Care and Repair

The organisation Care and Repair has produced a guide entitled 'Improving Matters' to enable people to set up and run agencies which advise elderly, younger disabled and other low-income households. These agencies organise the finance and building work to make repairs and adaptations possible.

A Care and Repair worker comments that 'a disproportionate amount of Britain's oldest and poorest housing is occupied by elderly people, many of whom have worked a lifetime to own their own homes, only to find that it all turns to nightmare as the costs of maintenance and repair outstrip declining disposable income.'

'A disproportionate amount of Britain's oldest and poorest housing is occupied by elderly people - the costs of maintenance and repair outstrip their declining disposable income'

Care and Repair will advise those willing to set up services and support staff. It provides a regular newsletter.

'Improving Matters' is published by Care and Repair and is available at L10 (incl. p&p) from 22a The Ropewalk, Nottingham NG1 5DT (tel 0602 799091; fax 0602 859457).

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