Pre-Retirement Day Release

Anthony Dyke

I propose Day Release Into Voluntary Easy Retirement (DRIVER). My suggestion is that firms give 'day release' (as is given, for learning purposes, to apprentices and other young people) to those members of staff who will be due for retirement in two years' time.

'Firms should give day release to those members of staff who will be due for retirement in two years' time'

Far too many otherwise fit people die very soon after being retired from a lifetime of honest work. Most of the reasons for their deaths can be associated with the shock of suddenly being without a life-style - without friends, pattern of living, reason for going on, identity, or usefulness.

With the DRIVER scheme, older employees on their days off will be encouraged to search for, discover and develop their unused natural talents. This can include suitable clubs, societies and organisations, where new friends can be made.

Skilled guidance from a trained personnel officer in the case of large firms, or from Social Services in other cases, could consist of control and encouragement. A basic daily diary would help to plan the days off, and a simple progress chart can be used for checking that all goes well. Part-time voluntary work can be encouraged, as well as private enterprise where conditions allow.

A side-benefit for large organisations, would be the opportunities for understudies to gain experience for one or two days a week. The scheme would also create jobs in every area of the social services, and in the larger organisations who participate in the scheme.

If this DRIVER scheme is backed by the state, then many more jobs would be created in order to cover the lost man-hours over the country as a whole.

So, we have a scheme that not only saves lives, and enriches the lives of older people, but will create new jobs. There is also the added benefit of saving otherwise prematurely bereaved families from a great deal of grief.

Anthony Dyke, 11 Belfield Avenue, Marldon, Paignton, South Devon, TQ3 1NU (tel 0803 553128).

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