Referenda via banks

Bo Tsang

Several people have submitted ideas similar to the following to the Institute. This version comes from Bo Tsang, 90 Geraint Street, Liverpool L8 8HQ.

As a contribution to society, banks and building societies should bear the costs of referenda conducted using their cashpoint machines. Each registered voter would be issued with a plastic voting card containing their national insurance number or other form of identity.

'As a contribution to society, banks and building societies should bear the costs of referenda conducted using their cashpoint machines'

Counting would be extremely rapid and there would be no spoilt votes. But just as the idea of universal and women's suffrage was opposed, there are many vested interests that would oppose an 'electronic democracy', not least MPs, who would see much of their power stripped away. One sop to them might be that an issue could only be proposed for referendum by an MP, who would need the support of two thirds of the House.

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