Ministry of Ideas

Edward de Bono in Today newspaper once asked 'Isn't it time we had a Ministry of Ideas?' For de Bono there is the 'technology' of concepts of use and value. 'We need to treat 'concept R&D' in as serious a manner as we treat technical R&D.'

De Bono believes it would be a vote-winner for a prime minister to set up a formal and visible Concept R&D department, a Ministry of Ideas, which could provide provocative new ideas and 'take the flak'.

He gives several examples of the kinds of ideas the Ministry could come up with: how about a 'new industrial animal for enterprises with sales of less than say L500,000? There would be an imputed tax of 25% of sales. Against this there would be a flat allowance of say L15,000 per employee. The paperwork associated with wages and employment would all be handled by a local wages office (on a fee basis). This concept would provide incentives to employ people profitably and also reduce the viscosity of paperwork that is so debilitating to young enterprises.'

'A levy rather than a ban on TV violence, with say a L5,000 fee per personalised killing, L3,000 for an impersonal shoot-out (not per corpse)'

De Bono also suggests a levy rather than a ban on TV violence, with say a L5,000 fee per personalised killing, L3,000 for an impersonal shoot-out (not per corpse); and L1,000 per assault, with the money going to a victims' fund, and the producer under new pressure to assess the 'dramatic necessity' of violence.

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