Independent local Green parties - a model constitution

Mark Kinzley has designed an elegant constitution for local Green parties, one that is radically decentralist and that would allow the transformation of the UK Green Party into a confederation of local parties. These local parties would themselves be federal bodies made up of semi-autonomous ward branches. His constitution also guards against takeover by unrepresentative factions by requiring postal ballots for selections of candidates (using a single transferable voting system) - although perhaps there should be a further safeguard through requiring changes to the constitution to be confirmed by a ballot, rather than simply passed at a meeting.

The key element of independence in Kinzley's scheme is financial: the local parties would administer their own memberships and collect the fees, deciding for themselves what proportion of these fees to remit to the national office, rather than the other way round, as at present.

Redbridge Green Party exercised this financial indepen-dence briefly in 1990 and, possibly as a result, Kinzley as their candidate scored the largest number of votes of any Green candidate in outer London in the local elections.

Mark Kinzley, 7 Gaysham Avenue, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex IG2 6TH (tel 081 550 3383).

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