Green parish councils

Bob Finch

Adapted extract from Econews, Rhiw Goch, Aberaeron, Dyfed SA46 OHR (tel 0545 571405).

Parish councils are the smallest unit of local government. They put the town hall on people's doorsteps. They are more accessible and more accountable than any other part of local government. More importantly, they are the most participatory and, therefore, the most democratic institutions in the British political system. Campaigns by the Green Party for urban parish councils would generate a great deal of publicity. Greens could publish a monthly newsletter in each parish to keep people informed about what was happening and to outline policies they would like to implement. The Greens will need to set up parish parties - these should become the basic unit of the party, incontrovertible proof that it believed in devolution, community politics and power to the people. Parish councils will force the Green Party down to the grassroots.

'The Greens will need to set up parish parties - these should become the basic unit of the part'

Bob Finch, 46 Albany Street, Spring Bank, Hull, HU3 1PL.

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