Quality video club

'Beat the Devil - this I think is almost the funniest film I have ever seen. I must have watched it five or six times and it never palls'

The best of today's and classic movies are available by mail (at L5 each for one week) from the Exchange Value Video Club started by film enthusiast Eric Walker. He writes:

I have been interested in film ever since as a child I used to collect Pathescope Monthly free from our photographic shop in Nottingham and to dream of having my own collection.

Later my wife and I founded a charity called Concord Films Council which for many years has been one of the main suppliers of educational films to schools and colleges throughout the country.

In 1985 I took early retirement and decided to start this video library of worthwhile films which in general are not easily available from local video shops. So far it has succeeded in using up most of my pension, but as I did not start it with the idea of making a fortune out of it, this has not worrried me.

The library contains over 600 titles, everything from Amadeus and Gandhi to Shakespeare Wallah and Les Enfants du Paradis. Here are some of my own recommendations:

'Ashes and Diamonds' so stunned me that coming out of the cinema I found my car would not start. After my wife and two friends had pushed for quarter of a mile, I found I had not switched the ignition on. 'The Blue Angel' - a milestone in the development of the cinema. 'Beat the Devil' - this I think is almost the funniest film I have ever seen. I must have watched it five or six times and it never palls. 'The Unknown Chaplin' - each night I eagerly awaited this when it was originally shown on TV.

The system works as follows: send off L1-50 for the catalogue and supplements. In the catalogue is a L1 voucher to set against the normal hire charge of L5 (this L5 covers postage both ways). A returnable deposit of L20 is held for the duration of membership.

Exchange Value Video Club, Nacton, Ipswich IP10 OJZ (tel 0473 717088).

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