A Mini-Mind Gym

A number of computer software programs designed to enhance creativity, self-understanding, personal well-being and thinking are emerging, mainly from California. For instance, the Mindware catalogue contains programs such as 'Brainstorming Made Easy' (made easy if not cheap: for IBM machines, $74-95). This asks for your ideas and then reorganises and displays them in all their possible combinations, offering you a new perspective on your task each time you press a key. The program 'Combine Timeless Wisdom with Modern Science' (for IBM machines, $149) checks your rational answers against your biofeedback readings (as measured by placing two of your fingers on the mouse attachment) to see if 'your answers differ from your deeper emotional responses as revealed by biofeedback.' The goal of the program is to process your responses in a way that leads you to 'serenity'. To get there, you pick adjectives describing how you feel, which are linked by the program to a matching 'personality'.

'The computer program checks your rational answers against your biofeedback readings to see if your answers differ from your deeper emotional responses as revealed by biofeedback'

Other programs analyse dreams, teach muscle control and compute sexual compatibility. Timothy Leary has designed a game called Mind Mirror, in which gaining 'emotional insight' gives credit in the realm of 'social interaction', and you are scored as to your bioenergy, emotions, mental ability and social interactions.

Mindware catalogue, $2, 1803 Mission Street, Suite 414, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA. Information originally from an item by Bruce Eisner in the Omni WholeMind Newsletter, WholeMind, PO Box 11208, Des Moines, IA 50347, USA. Subs. $24.

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