A diary of personal commitments

Omar Mahmoud

Adapted from a longer submission.

This proposal is that people could write in their diaries the commitments that they make each day as they go through experiences that lead to such decisions. These commitments could range from simple family matters ('I'll not change my baby's sleeping time') to business interactions ('I'll not send an angry letter the day I write it'), to social or political issues.

The purpose of such a diary is to benefit from important events and thoughts of our daily life, so that our future is always better than our past.

Those who are keen on living up to their commitments and principles can share their diary with their spouses, children or their friends, so as to transform their personal commitments into social ones.

Building on this idea, those events and commitments of a general nature from a number of contributors could then be published in a diary with two pages per day; one telling a story and the other left for users to record their own.

I plan to start my Diary of Personal Commitments. I'll be willing to share some of my insights with others.

Omar Mahmoud, 16 Route de Meyrin, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland.

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