100 Year Diary

The title page of the '20th Century Diary', published by Annabel Greaves, announces that this is 'a year-dated scrapbook album for you and your family to fill in with pictures and memories of our life and times. Now you can dance through the century, recount the sorrows and celebrate the joys.' The diary runs from 1900 to 2000, and, except for the years 1901 to 1929, each year has a lined, blank page to itself, headed with a few events to jog the memory. For example, 1985 is headed 'End of miners' strike, Band Aid and Live Aid, Gorbachev becomes Soviet leader, mass production of micro-chips begins in Texas, privatisation of British Telecom, cold wet summer and long warm winter.'

The diary can be an excuse for people to get together: whole families, classes, clubs or villages can add photos, cuttings from magazines and personal reminiscences. 'The luckiest families,' writes publisher Annabel Greaves, 'can consult a relation who is ninety - perhaps ask them to write a page or two. I think it could benefit lonely people - researching their century and following up favourite interests.'

Just over 2,000 diaries have been printed.

'20th Century Diary', published by 20th Century Diaries, Severels, Runcton, Chichester, Sussex PO20 6PS (tel 0243 786406), 1991, 100 looseleaf A4 pages in ring binder cover, L15-95 including p&p.

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