Oak Dragon Camps

The Oak Dragon Camps run from May to September each year. The number of campers ranges from forty to 100, and a camp is like an 'open-university-in-a-field.' There is a particular theme to each camp, such as alternative healing, music and dance, Green arts, etc, and they last eight to ten days, taking place at various sites in Wales, England and Cornwall.

'The special thing about Oak Dragon is that it is not a course,' say the organisers, 'it is an experiential journey in how to learn together, on all levels, not just the academic.' As people acclimatise, they are encouraged to propose activities and involve themselves in the running of the camp. There are frequent 'pow-wows', circular meetings at which important issues and deep feelings can be aired and discussed. Oak Dragon 'welcomes all spiritual paths with heart, honours our differences and rejoices in what we can share, adopting a policy of 'both/and' rather than 'either/or'. Oak Dragon is involved with the spiritual aspect of our love of the earth as well as the ecological and Green political, and seeks to unite these various ways in which we involve ourselves with the earth. There is potential for each person to plant seeds of positive change, with far-reaching effects.'

'A camp is like an 'open-university-in-a-field'. There is a particular theme to each camp, such as alternative healing, music and dance''

People need to bring their own tents and sleeping gear; Oak Dragon provides marquees and geodesic domes for workshops, children's facilities, a cafe with healthy vegetarian food, toilets and hot showers. No dogs are allowed, as the camps are situated in farmers' fields.

SAE for details to Oak Dragon Project, Elfane, Mynyddcerrig, near Llanelli, Dyfed, SA15 5BD (tel 0269 870959).

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