New Paradigms Newsletter

Alan Mayne

At the present time of rapid changes and serious crises in the human situation, it has become more important than ever before to bring into being new ideas, new thinking and new visions that can lead mankind through its present difficulties towards the next stage of evolution.

Never before, as far as I know, has there been a publication such as mine that provides a regular broad introductory survey of the whole range of New Paradigms ideas - covering as many aspects of life as possible in a way that can be understood by the intelligent general reader.

Ed: Mayne's Newsletter has covered topics such as Complementary Medicine, Aspects of Democracy, World Views, Parascience and Quantum Physics, New Paradigms in Biology and the Future of Intelligence. Here is a sample paragraph from this last-mentioned article - the author is Victor Serebriakoff:

The world system is like a great brain, which is self-actualising and enormously penetrating. Political parties have no real control over this system at all; almost everything that they do makes matters worse! Even computers are beginning to 'talk to each other' to control the market without human intervention. It is as if some giant intelligence were trying to take over the planet.

Subscription enquiries to: New Paradigms Publications, Alan Mayne, 29 Fairford Crescent, Downhead Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9AF (tel 0908 607022; urgent calls only).

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