First Aider stickers

Steven Burkeman of York was slightly shocked when he realised that he had no idea who were the nearest 'first aiders' in his neighbourhood, able to help in an emergency. He and Ian Care propose that the first aid organisations should issue to those completing courses not only the certificates, but also a few stickers with a white cross on a green background, saying 'First Aider' - which could then be stuck on work desks, vehicles or front windows.

'First Aider stickers on work desks, vehicles or front windows'

'We use these symbols at work, even on our overalls,' says Ian Care, 'with a fire symbol for members of the fire crew and those trained in fire fighting' - London Underground should use these symbols on their unifoms.

The St Johns Ambulance already provide pin-on badges for both children and adults; but Pamela Mounter at the Red Cross warns that members of the public with first aid stickers in the window could be taken advantage of by muggers gaining access by pretending to be injured.

Steven Burkeman, 8 Whitby Avenue, York YO3 OET (tel 0904 425499 h; 0904 627810 w). Ian Care, 8 Kings Drive, Littleover, Derby DE3 6EU (tel 0332 46089).

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