A Currie scale for health warnings

Nicholas Albery

This is a slightly tongue-in-cheek analogy to the Richter scale for earthquakes. Why not a similar scale for health warnings, named, I suggest, in honour of Edwina Currie and her ministerial salmonella warnings, and administered by a reputable independent health organisation? Health warnings would then range in seriousness from 10 Curries, for an epidemic with millions dying, to 1 Currie, for an infection causing death or severe handicap in very exceptional circumstances. Such a scale would be an instant way for the public to know how seriously to take each new health scare, and the warnings could be upgraded or downgraded as necessary.

'Health warnings would then range in seriousness from 10 Curries, for an epidemic with millions dying, to 1 Currie, for an infection causing death or severe handicap in very exceptional circumstances'

Nicholas Albery, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 081 208 2853; fax 081 452 6434).

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