Self-directed health education for kids

A suggestion by an American doctor, Tom Ferguson in his journal Medical Self-Care, reprinted in the Utne Reader (Lens Publishing Co, 1624 Harmon Place, Suite 330, Minneapolis MN55403, USA; subs $28).

'Our dependency on the medical profession is largely a product of training by the culture,' says Ferguson. 'So if you want to make the biggest impact in a 20 to 40 year period, probably the most cost-effective thing you could do would be to arrange for kids at school to be in charge of a 'health programme' that would allow them to study whatever they wanted, and that would put people who knew something about health - nurses, doctors, health educators - at their disposal. They would learn that they could initiate and control and be in charge of health care - which is just the opposite of what we learn now.'

'Arrange for kids at school to be in charge of a health programme'

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