Ha-Has round jails

Nicholas Saunders

A modern high security jail in Denmark (near Ringe in Fun) has a ha-ha sunken wall (further protected electronically), allowing the prisoners to see out into open countryside and so not to feel enclosed. The prisoners are divided into small mixed households (although there are ten times as many men as women). Each household does its own cooking and washing up, and does its shopping from its own budget in the prison supermarket. The prison has its own factory.

'A modern high security jail in Denmark has a ha-ha sunken wall, allowing the prisoners to see out into open countryside'

Is it not time for the UK prison service to move into the twentieth century?

Nicholas Saunders, top floor, 14 Neal's Yard, London WC2H 9DP (tel 071 836 9404; fax 071 379 0135).

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