The Guardian Angels

The Guardian Angels aim to help protect the traveller on the London underground. Whatever the government's reservations about this group may be, they have had a salutary effect on the authorities, who have been shamed into placing more police on the underground system as a result - and the government is rumoured to be considering a Guardian Angels type scheme of its own. Dr Alec Dickson, the founder of Community Service Volunteers, comments that 'it does us no credit if we 'rubbish' the Guardian Angels. Rigorously self-disciplined, unpaid and imaginatively trained, they are visibly succeeding not only in New York, but in other cities, often being invited into areas by the mayor. What the Guardian Angels offer is a role, responsibility and, possibly, risk.'

'It does us no credit if we 'rubbish' the Guardian Angels. Rigorously self-disciplined, unpaid and imaginatively trained, what they offer is a role, responsibility and, possibly, risk'

The Guardian Angels, Colin 'Gabriel' Hatcher, Chapter Leader, c/o Tom Hibberd, The Tonbridge Club, 120 Cromer Street, London WC1 (tel 081 694 2797); American founders are Curtis and Lisa Sliwa, Guardian Angels, 982 East 89th St, Brooklyn, NY 11236, USA (tel 010 1 212 420 1324). The London Guardian Angels won a 1989 Social Inventions Award.

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