OwnBase for home-based workers

Extracted from 'Executive Post'.

OwnBase newsletter is the brainchild of Chris Oliver. She has worked out of home for most of the last twenty years, and started the newsletter, which has 260+ members, to provide mutual support and information for those working from home. Occupations range from accountancy and astrology to tapestry designing and weaving. The newsletter covers topics such as: How to be 'out' to callers when you're obviously in and working? How to extract money owed by customers who are also friends?

Members network together via a contact list and informal get-togethers. In July 1989, a Members' Association took over responsibility for developing the concept.

'How to be 'out' to callers when you're obviously in and working? How to extract money owed by customers who are also friends?'

OwnBase, Chris Oliver, 56 London Road, Milborne Port, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 5DW (tel 0963 250764).

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