Low level Tenure

Denis Midgley

It would be a useful innovation to allow tenured job security to apply only in the career grade itself, such as that of lecturer or scientific officer. Each promotion would then involve a healthy competition, with the successful rewarded by at most five years of higher status. To say that tenure should not apply to this new status would not mean that all right to tenure is forfeited - which is the diabolical situation in some instances known to me. Tenure in the lower career grade would be retained. In the same way, the Dean of Faculty is typically not tenured as a dean in this country; he reverts to a lower status on completion of a few years of office.

'Allow tenure job security to apply only in the career grade itself'

There is no disgrace in wishing to have limited tenure of this type; some young men, after seeing a father cast aside just before the completion of a career in private employment, feel rightly justified in placing security before cash reward, when seeking employment.

Also it is generally agreed that judges should have tenure, with the job security leading them to act without fear or favour. Similarly academics' search for truth should be as unimpeded as possible by fears that their discoveries may displease those in authority.

Denis Midgley, 20 Elvaston Avenue, Hornsea, East Yorkshire HU18 1HA (tel 0964 533435).

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