The unemployed as language ambassadors

Eustace Wait proposed that selected unemployed youth could be sent overseas to give practice in speaking English to foreign nationals:

'Selected unemployed youth could be sent overseas to give practice in speaking English to foreign nationals'

'I have travelled extensively as an English teacher in the Middle and Far East and I am convinced that such 'language ambassadors' would be greatly appreciated. They do not need much training, since their ability to speak their mother tongue is all they need. They would be welcomed by university students and young business people, who constitute the great majority of English-learners in Asia.

'Possible solutions to the problems of work permits, travel costs and accommodation have been worked out but other finance would also be required. Perhaps the Manpower Services Commission would be open to the argument that this scheme is helpful to the community.'

Eustace Wait, c/o 10 Wootton Gardens, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1PW.

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