Business students to help unemployed

Alec Dickson

Scores of courses in Business and Management Studies are organised in institutions of higher education around the country, generally on the 'sandwich' model, i.e. with a period where the students are attached to a company or firm. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find companies and firms ready to accept them. Since the ability to identify unmet needs, inadequate facilities or goods or services beyond the public's resources - and to organise an appropriate response - is surely the essence of success in commerce, business and management, why not attach these students of Business and Management Studies instead to groups of the young unemployed (or not-so-young jobless) to seek out or devise opportunities? To the best of my knowledge this has not yet been fully explored either by the MSC or schools of business studies.

'Why not attach these students of Business and Management Studies to groups of the young unemployed (or not-so-young jobless) to seek out or devise opportunities?'

Alec Dickson, 19 Blenheim Road, London W4 1VB (tel 081 944 7437).

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