By: Rowena Wall

Obviously, itÆs important to look at the entire chart to get a good gift guide. However, one can gain a great deal from the Sun Sign as well. And of course your thoughtfulness in trying to be thoughtful should count for something!

Incidentally, if you happen to know the Rising Sign and or the Moon sign of the intended (!) that will also be an appropriate sign for which to buy!

Enjoy your shopping! Have fun! And HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

ARIES: These folks just love red things - things that move and and do interesting mechanical movements! Of course they love all the nice sharp things and the loud things as well! (As you can see, it can be a real headache just thinking about buying for them!) But you need to remember that they like romance, so give it to them with a big old hug and then leave the house! YouÆll be safer that way!

TAURUS: They love 'stuff' - period! Of course they really like the 'stuff' when it is very expensive, and very pretty and especially if it will appreciate in value! Since they like to build and maintain, that should be taken into account as well. (You would be wise to avoid the smart idea of refrigerators and tools, however!) The wisest thing you can remember is this - once youÆve given them the ôstuffö, you must not ever touch this 'stuff' again - no Indian-giving with these guys!

GEMINI: These guys are born curious, and it gets stronger the longer they live! They like to look at everything and touch and examine. So whatever you give them, make sure there are lots of parts and that it is something that will keep them busy (and quiet) for a few hours! Actually, they would probably enjoy lots of different things. It doesnÆt have to be expensive, just have a lot of variety and interest! Now howÆs that for a cheap date?

CANCER: Well, this is the original ôTeddy Bearö set! They love to ôfeelö and of course they like to hug and do all those nurturing and loving things that Teddy Bears need! So you canÆt go wrong if you go bear hunting! But of course Cancers love to nourish themselves as well, so make sure you get them some goodies to put in their stockings that they can eat! (I might suggest something like candy that they can share with their bears! You might even consider bear food!)

LEO: We have a problem here. Leos think they are Santa Claus, and so sometimes you have to remind them otherwise! Since they are likely to be the one organizing Christmas, youÆll need to follow orders as to where to put the gifts and how to wrap them. (After all, donÆt you know youÆre an idiot?) Make sure you give them something to show off to their friends and also gifts which will help them stay in charge! (Perhaps a red nose, a la Rudolph?)

VIRGO: Well, you shouldnÆt have much trouble here since all Virgos mantain lists of some sort. Just look around and you will find a neatly written slate of wants, and no doubt this will be written in ascending order with a lot of footnotes. Now, if you canÆt find your way to the shops to get the exact thing they have listed (and for GodÆs sake donÆt overlook details!) you may find yourself chewed up for Christmas Morning! Actually, they would probably be happy with something to read - especially if they can learn something from it!

LIBRA: Unfortunately, itÆs kind of hard to get a person inside a stocking - unless of course you plan to hang body stockings! Our Libran friends are always looking for relationships - even when they have one going on! So anything that would enhance or create a new relationship would be welcomed. And while youÆre at it, some very nice, very expensive perfume would do nicely. They like to smell good and they like for their friends to smell good! (Did you hear that?)

SCORPIO: You know, itÆs almost impossible to get a Power Trip in a stocking! IÆve tried, and it just didnÆt work! As for dildos, well... Ahem! The thing about these folks is that they like to be very secretive about what they want the most! That way you can stand around looking stupid and wondering what would be best! And even if they like it, theyÆll go to all extremes to keep you from knowing it! After all - who wants to give you all that power over them? Just smile mysteriously while you tell them that the real gift will come later....

SAGITTARIUS: One of the problems here of course is to catch these folks at home long enough to give them a gift. You can bet they have plans for Christmas. If you are part of their close group you may be going with least you can hope! I have heard them asking if they could ride Rudolph or help park the sleigh! I sure would keep them away from the punch bowl - thatÆs for sure! Whatever you give them should help them get out and about - skis, tires, whatever you can find that moves! Just let them keep rolling, Honey...

CAPRICORN: We have a major problem with these guys. Most donÆt believe in Santa Claus, and of course you know what happens if you donÆt believe! (And these folks believe theyÆve been getting ôitö for a long time!) If you can sit them down and fill their glasses half full for them, and help them believe, then almost anything you give them will be appreciated! Disregard the scowl of course, since thatÆs part of the Hair Shirt costume - just give them lots of love and maybe an extra hug and youÆll be surprised at how much is returned! Perhaps you can start with a mustard seed...

AQUARIUS: Why did you ask me about these guys? You know IÆm not weird and strange - how am I supposed to figure this out? Well, here - letÆs all stand on our heads for a while and see if that helps! Of course robots come to mind first since this would make a wonderful companion for them - they would have someone to talk to on their own level! Of course you gotta watch some of those robots - (but not as much as you gotta watch some of those Aquarians!) Make it electronic and make it weird and youÆre loved on Christmas morning!

PISCES: ItÆs really important not to forget these guys, cause generally theyÆve thought of everyone but themselves and as a consequence theyÆre sacrifice challenged on Christmas morning! Perhaps you could find a new Tetze fly disease that has attacked in some foreign country and they can go throw themselves into saving lives! Meanwhile, pull them out of the closet, dust off their rose colored glasses and give them some Heavenly Music or a ticket to the Ballet! Make it dreamy and make it Heavenly - and do it quietly and lovingly! TheyÆre yours forever!

Back to Jupiter before spending your hard earned cash

Rowena Wall is a Professional Astrologer and Tarot Reader.

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