By: Rowena Wall

The Holidays are near and most of us are racing here and there trying to find gifts for loved ones. We decorate our homes, our offices and all points in between. It is a örush here and a rush thereö kind of life! Perhaps we all know on some inner level that this is going to be a really BIG Christmas for most of us!

In fact, it might be wise of all of us to consider this particular Christmas of 1995 to be one of the ôlast of the great onesö for a while. Why am I saying that? Well, Jupiter, which is the planet of beneficence, joy, and good luck, will be at the end of itÆs trek through Sagittarius! Jupiter is the Ruler of Sagittarius, and in his home sign, heÆs full of fun, love, and is of course at his expansive best!

Jupiter moves into the sign of Capricorn on January 3, 1996. This means the Jolly Old Elf will be in a sign which is frugal and conservative, and not given to waste, which are attributes antithetical to the Lord of Munificence.

Old Jove will then find himself restricted and hemmed in and called to account. The Saturn influence of Capricorn will present the Jupiterian frivolity with a ôbill due on demandö! Alas, the partyÆs over! Time to pay the bill and go back to work!

Now wait - donÆt jump to conclusions yet! Of course weÆll continue to have holidays, fun and celebrations for which weÆre all so grateful. However, we will just not be as inclined to get so far in debt, nor will we be inclined to spend so much (especially when we donÆt have it to spend!). Of course you can tell that this will not be music to the ears of retailers!

When Jupiter is retrograde, it generally brings a slow buying season for merchants and receipts are down. This was the case in 1990, 1991 and 1992 - the years when retailers were lamenting the poor Christmas seasons they were having. Then, in 1992, Jupiter was direct in motion and it has been direct each Christmas season since then. Last year was even one of the best for merchants in years, and they reveled in their good fortune! You may fully expect a similar response this year. In fact, donÆt be a bit surprised to hear retailers proclaim this to be one of the very best holiday seasons on record!

Last Christmas, as this year, Jupiter was not only in direct motion, but it has also been in itÆs fun-loving sign of Sagittarius - the sign Jupiter rules! So it comes as no surprise that all this great frivolity and mad purchasing has been going on. But, things are sure to slow down once he moves into Capricorn on January 3, 1996.

JupiterÆs romp in Sagittarius is another reason for the porky stock market! Just when we think it canÆt possibly go higher, it does! The Dow has hit the magic number of 5000 and many analysts expect it to continue itÆs bulge till yearÆs end. This has come to no surprise to astute astrologers, however! Of course the Dow leads world markets in their expansions as well. So it has certainly been a world wide gorge!

But, would I personally get in this ballooning monstrosity of a market? Not on your life! And whatÆs more, unless you are very, very, well versed in stock market affairs, I would urge you to stay out as well. And now, more than ever we can say to you to be very, very careful about the market. All financial astrologers are warning to stay clear and be very, very cautious! In fact, they advise Capricornian Caution!!

The Cycles of Jupiter along with itÆs relationship to Saturn, are all part of economic cycles of this and other countries. These cycles are easily followed and are the basis of most financial astrology. While Jupiter has danced in Sagittarius, it has been quite normal for the girth to expand. But now that the rendevous of Jupiter and Capricorn is on the horizon, we will definitely see a belt tightening from those in the know.

We will soon be having more ôconservativeö fun! It may be a time when we start making ôhomemadeö gifts again! We will be will be tighter with our money and think more in terms of saving for the future. This Jupiterian movement into Capricorn, along with a number of new developments in the Universe, state clearly to the wise - STAY PRUDENT!

ItÆs a fair assumption that 1996 is going to be a time of penny-pinching, and there will be some economic changes. Think in terms of deflation. The spiral gets smaller. You may want to plan for this eventuality. YouÆll want to make sure you have your chart updated so that you will know what to be on the lookout for so that you can be prepared.

But by no means should we be sad at this time. We should in fact enjoy this time of great revelry and joy! WeÆll be inspired to buy a lot and give a lot to our friends and loved ones. By all means, enjoy the magnificence of the Season. However, it might be prudent to save back a few dollars, and it also might be wise to try to buy as many practical gifts as you can.

However, I can almost assure you that you wonÆt be in the mood for ôpracticalö gifts! Polka-dot Iguanas? YouÆll want several! Cigar smoking GI JoeÆs? By all means! No extravagance or absurdity will escape your view! And besides - itÆs only money - so why not! And it IS Christmas!

For months I have been buying gifts for friends and family. In many instances IÆve bought MANY gifts - all the time thinking, ôoh well, they deserve it!ö I trust IÆm not the only one in the throes of JupiterÆs last dance! And frankly, itÆs fun! Jupiterian Waltzes fill the heart with love and happiness. So be grateful we have it at least every 12 years! By the time the next Jupiterian romp in Sagittarius comes along, weÆll be more than ready for some full time joy! For Jupiter can never be so joyful and full of love as he is in his own sign - and it comes along only once every 12 years!

And, if youÆll be honest, youÆll admit that this past year has been pretty happy! Sure, youÆve had your moments, and there have been hard times periodically! But by and large, Old Jupiter has made you a happy child, right? He can make even the most difficult times easier to bear and he can make the happy times almost ecstatic! And to those of us who have JupiterÆs which are ôchallengedö, he can, of course, bring excess to the max! (Present company excepted, of course!)

Still - none among us would give up our big old Guy in the Sky! HeÆs our buddy in difficult times and he brings joy when it seems nothing can! Jupiter, in itÆs old rulership of Pisces, is also very spiritual. And he helps us in our spiritual quest in this life. And his guidance can bring a spiritual ecstasy to our hearts!

Now if you think about some of the things IÆve been saying here about Jupiter - and realizing heÆs a roly-poly guy, laughing and twinkling - has anyone else come to mind? Well, if you said Santa Claus, then you win the new tires for the sleigh!

There is so much similarity, that in fact I think itÆs quite possible that Jupiter is the REAL Santa Claus! Certainly he is the Astrological Santa Claus!!!

ItÆs hoped that tonight you will dream happily of our great Jupiterian Teacher happily traversing our Universe in his Home Sign. You can almost see him jump and roll and dance and smile! We all extend to him our best wishes for his climatic blowout in Sagittarius! And surely we should extend a ôthank youö for the year long party heÆs brought us!

And of course weÆll still be happy to have his visits, no matter what sign he plays in. For, astrologically we know that he will bring us good fortune, even if it is a bit more tempered at times than it has been this year!

And at this time of year when we come together with loved ones and friends and express our love for one another, I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you the very best of the Season! May this be your happiest of times and may Jupiter visit your Stocking and life many, many times in the future!




For a Fun Look at Christmas Gifts for the Signs

Rowena Wall is a Professional Astrologer and Tarot Reader.

You can E-Mail her at Starstuff@Delphi.com or starstuff@mylink.net .

She is also the Sysop of the Astrology Forum for Delphi Internet Online

Services. Visit her Home Page at http://www.eskimo.com/~pageless/starstuff.

If you would like further information about procuring her professional services,

you can Email her at Starstuff@Delphi.com or starstuff@mylink.net.

Rowena does a number of different charts for her international clientele.

Forecasting Charts are her most popular and she does accept MC/Visa.

She also publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, STAR SOURCE, and if you would

like a FREE copy of the newsletter, please send your MAILING ADDRESS

and name to Starstuff@Delphi.com or Starstuff@mylink.net.

Copyright 1995, Rowena Wall, All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd