Astrology for Beginners - Workshop 3

Focus on Virgo

By: Sue Stacey

Born on Earth we all are born surrounded by the Zodiac belt - and therefore each Zodiac Sign will feature on our Birth Charts.

The Sun appears from Earth, to travel through the Zodiac Sign of Virgo from 24th August until 23rd September of each year. Position of Earth - i.e. Time zones, must be taken into account here, as well as leap years etc. Virgo is an Earth sign - indicating the need to nurture and care for people and issues and also Virgo is a hands-on and practical worker and needs to be there for the Harvest of a situation. Virgo has staying - power and wants to see things through to the end! The Analytical and Critical side of Virgo will manifest somewhere within us all. Give Virgo a job to do and it will be done well - if you give the 'whole' job - for Virgo does not like to just be a æbitÆ player - ruled by Mercury, the gatherer of information and news, Virgo wants to be surrounded by lots and lots of information - to pick through, sort, categorise, analyse. DonÆt rush Virgo - Earth takes time to move and does not like being disturbed.

Personal planets in Virgo

Those with the Sun in Virgo will associate most strongly with the characteristic above, for the Sun is our 'essence', or 'soul' - who we really are. Virgo Sun Signs are always wanting to be involved from start to finish - they are the workers who enjoy being busy and hate being idle! However, watch out those around a Virgo Sun, you will also be expected to be as hardworking, as diligent and as precise. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury - and Mercury does not hold back on the verbal response - written and verbal warnings are to be expected if a Virgo Sun is not satisfied with a situation.

Moon in Virgo indicates that before any emotion is expressed - which it wants to do verbally or in the form of a letter/card - the emotion has to be analysed from all angles, from inside and out, from underneath, from on top! By this time those around the Virgo Moon feel that there is no emotion, and judge accordingly. Allow Virgo Moon the slow process - the emotions are true, are honest - just slow in coming!

Mercury in Virgo - in a sign it rules - shows someone who can talk their way into, or out of any situation. The very talkative child wants to become a very talkative adult - but situations do not always allow this - and Mercury in Virgo, if stifled, can become nervous and the stomach can suffer. Buy someone with Mercury in Virgo lots of pens, paper or a stack of blank tapes so that they can always be communicating. There is a great need here to bring every thought æoutÆ. Of course, communicating on 'The Net' seems a great expression for Mercury (or any personal planet!) in Virgo!

Venus in Virgo. Venus is the Goddess of Love and is an indicator about our 'feelings'. Venus, like the Moon, in Virgo - thinks before reacting. This may appear to be a slow process - but you know that the result can be trusted. Often the appearance of being æcoldÆ is associated with Virgo - it is just the care and consideration that is necessary before commitment.

Mars in Virgo - the work-a-holic! Mars is our energy bank - and Virgo loves to be ædoingÆ, so played with the right cards the energies for someone with Mars in Virgo can be very beneficial. However overwork and a tendency to be over-critical and over-analytical can create problems. Mars needs to be a constant and verbal player in the game and if those around do not want to play by the same rules, problems can arise physically.

Key Words for Appearance for each sign

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Sue will be happy to provide personal readings by arrangement. She can be contacted on - (+44) (0)1702 468961, Fax +44 (0)1702 589472

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