Astrology for Beginners - Workshop 3

Key Words for Appearances

By: Sue Stacey

Aries : Key Words - fast moving, energetic and fearless.

Part of the body: the Head - therefore the facial characteristics will be prominent in some way - perhaps the hair (abundance, colour or lack of it!)

Taurus: Key Words - slow, sensuous, tactile and stubborn.

Part of the body = Throat and the voice.

Gemini: Key Words - talkative, youthful, mobile

Part of the body = Arms and hands and nerves attached

Cancer: Key Words - watery, clinging, strong hard shell

Part of the body = Chest & Lungs

Leo: Key Words - Loving, Proud, Dominating, Golden

Part of the body = Heart and Back

Virgo: Key Words - Analytical , Practical, Hard-working & Precise

Part of the body = Stomach & Nerves

Libra: Key Words - Balance & Harmony, Indecisive and Calculating

Part of the Body = Kidneys

Scorpio: Key Words - Secretive, Seductive, Intense and Transforming

Part of the Body = Sexual organs

Sagittarius: Key Words - Expansive, Limitless and Truthful

Part of the Body = Hips and Thighs

Capricorn: Key Words - Cautious, Ambitious, Mature

Part of the Body = All bones & knees in particular

Aquarius: Key Words - Unusual, Individual, Distinctive & Knowing

Part of the Body = Ankles and Back

Pisces: Key Words - Dreams & Illusions, Watery (Fishy!)

Part of the Body = Feet (large or small!)

In further Workshops 'Health and the Body' will be covered more fully - the above æpartsÆ are just a pointer to the areas that are covered, and the Ascendant remember is just our 'appearance' - not who we are inside!

Focus on Virgo

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Sue will be happy to provide personal readings by arrangement. She can be contacted on - (+44) (0)1702 468961, Fax +44 (0)1702 589472

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