July/August 1996 Editorial

Finding the Lion's Roar

By: Alex Campbell

This is the month for Leos, and being an unashamed Leo I had to ask myself. 'Where has my roar gone?' Allowing myself to be weighed down with stress and money pressures, the roar became a whimper. Even Joe, my grandson, drew and wrote about Mr Moneybags,influenced by my air of oppression no doubt. As I worked on the magazine and the individual articles came together, I began to marvel at our capacity to go beyond the mundane, to find our imagination often through tears, to walk the path of beautywith simplicity and courage as many indigenous people have done over the centuries.

What do I know about oppression when I think about the people of Tibet.The Dalai Lama is tireless in his pursuit of justice for his people, I have wondered how he does it month after month. Yes... he is sustained by his spirit, does he, I wonder ever 'lose it' as I do.

I am comforted and greatly calmed by the practise of the breath in the Sufi way, a beginner with a long way to go. The gentle words in The Ecological Jesusare healing and fascinating, giving a real sense of Jesus as a person.

This month we have introduced a dream interpretation interaction and the idea of linking in our dreams with so many of different cultures and ideas is exciting. The conscious world is just the tip of the iceberg who knows what we may uncover in our collective energy as we tiptoe into the world of dreams. Can we find the root of our conflict both within ourselves and in the wider collective? Starting from the source can only help the healing process and the lion roars...we can do it!!

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