Dreaming - An invitation to share(1)


An Invitation to Share your Dreams

By: Rosalind Milliken

If you would like to send a dream to the weaver please e-mail weaver@hyperlink.com(subject - dreams). Alternatively you can fill in this covenient form ot the feedback button at the bottom of the page if your browser supports forms...

After I had been at several New Moon Ceremonies with Don Jose, he began coming to me in my dreams. From then on, he began showing me how to participate in my dreams, how to use my dream body. Like everyone, I have had my share of nightmares. Don Jose forced me into some scary situations. Once, he chased me down a village road. I don't remember what form he was in, but it struck me with terror and I ran hard. Then, suddenly, I was at the end of the street and at the rim of a canyon hundreds of feet deep. I couldn't stop in time and ran off the cliff. Of course, I didn't realize I was dreaming. So the thoughts of 'this is it' crossed my mind. All of a sudden I heard laughter behind me. I looked and there was Don Jose flying next to me. And then, I flew.

Don Jose may have died a few years ago, but I do not miss him. He still comes in my dreams and takes me on wonderful adventures.

Don Jose said that there were dreams and then there were Dreams. In our dreams we can communicate with spirits and animals and those we love. In our dreams we find the answers to the questions of our waking life.

Don Jose did not make me a dreamer. I had dreams from early childhood that I knew were special. And I was fortunate that my mother was a dreamer as well. Every morning at breakfast we shared our dreams without criticism or judgment. Once she read me an article from the Sunday paper about how a group of people from a South Pacific Island always discussed their dreams each morning and, if they dreamt of someone specifically, they would contact this person immediately. So, my mother and I added this to our dream life routine.

Not everyone is as fortunate. Most parents tell their children all sorts of nonsense about dreams. Children's books are written to teach children to ignore the importance of dreams. All of this may be ordinary fear of the unknown. Since Western Europe became Rationalist, dreams, the antithesis of rationality, have been shoved aside. Rarely, do we hear theologians speaking of the ministry of dreaming. I have never heard of it. Calling someone a dreamer is not considered a complement. Yet, great dr eamers should be honored.

The spiritual path involves becoming more conscious of every aspect of our life. Learning to be conscious during our dreams is important. What we do in our sleeping ventures has repercussions to our lives and others as well. Alex Campbell and I would like to invite you to explore the dream world together in Weaver Magazine. Everyone who dreams has knowledge to contribute.

Dreams of animals...

Alex told me of her goat that always wanted to come into the house. That reminded me of the four Alpines I once had. They too always wanted to come into the house. They preferred to browse the garden first. One night I dreamt that four ladies came to visit me. We were living in a tipi at that time. We had no furniture, just bedrolls. But, in my dream these ladies wore silk gowns like elegant Victorians on the way to opera. I served them tea and the whole affair was formal. When I went to milk in the morning, Melonee, the leader goat looked up at me and baahed. I knew instantly that it was she and the other goats that had visited during the dream. My relationship with them changed. We began to have a more formal manner between us all. It made life on the ranch much more mellow. And I finally had some female friends out here in the dunes.

This was the only time that I am aware of animals being in my dreams as people. I wonder if anyone has had this type of dream. I won't be surprised if it is common, just unique to me.

If you would like to send a dream to the weaver please e-mail weaver@hyperlink.com(subject - dreams). Alternatively you can fill in this covenient form if your browser supports forms...

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