Readers' Letters - July 1995

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A Poem from Deborah Wall

The Temple

thou art that........... buddha of christ,..........the suchness............ brahma's atman, soul................ of trinity........... light............... of the mind's eye............. om,amen........................................ buddha, how might...............I reach you.............. cries the christ?............. within through the vedas............saffron-robed, ascending ........... a holy thread of meditation.............................. christ, how should I thus contemplate the bible?......... how might I achieve nirvana............ .......cries the yogi........ it was is now...........and ever shall be.... ......... world without end................... om............... amen

An invitation to visit from Mike Cohen

Ecopsychology and the internet in action: Well Mind, Well Earth From civilization's ancient Greek roots, to the druids of the Celtic forests and the great tribes of American Indians, people have sought peace and wisdom by living according to the laws of Mother Nature. Unfortunately, this century will be remembered for unprecedented exploitation of nature--and widespread psychological disturbance of individuals. The first ecopsychology World Wide Web site on the internet, at suggests that the destruction of Earth's environment and people's isolation, stress and disorders stem from a fundamental denial of our emotional connections to nature. Our attention to coping with life in industrial society distracts us from the fulfilling benefits of contact with nature and spirit. From a new book, Well Mind, Well Earth, the site offers free simple ways to reverse this trend through remedial action. It asks its visitors "Which of the following statements are you? I care about the well being of the global life community and its people.

I want to learn and teach others how to act more responsibly with respect to people and the natural environment.

I treasure the beauty and wisdom of nature within and round me.

I seek greater connection with the balance and joy of life.

I unashamedly love Earth and the life spirit that flows through people and nature.

For those who recognize an unfulfilled part of themselves in these statements, a visit to the Ecopsychology In Action site offers unique rewards.

Contact person: Mike Cohen Author: Steve Smith

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Chair Department of Integrated Ecology Friday Harbor,

From: Tom Beckman


The Institute of HeartMath (IHM) is an innovative nonprofit research and education organization in Boulder Creek, California that is dedicated to putting the heart back into the people business. Founded and incorporated in 1991 by Doc Lew Childre, a pioneer researcher and author on the subject of stress management, IHM has a two-fold mission. First, to study the effects of heart function on mental and emotional balance, personal efficiency and immune system health, and second, to use this research to develop and teach practical skills that will enable people to cope with modern-day stress, unlock creativity and intuitive intelligence and create high levels of personal effectiveness. Please refer to our research update and our research papers for an in-depth look.

Our Web address is:


Tom Beckman

From William Burrell

Concerning weaver/95/25_5/forum/crdiary/cr_june_.htm

Very interesting article. I would be interested in hearing more about free fall writing and other manifestations of creativity.

bill b.

From: "T. J. Peterka"

Subject: Chromatherapy

A friend of mine from Brazil is looking for some help on chromatherapy equipment. He and his wife are involved in a New Age seminar (given by a woman professor from the University of Wisconsin -- I can't recall her name). The light bulbs he purchases in Brazil are of very poor quality. He's looking for high quality equipment. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to understand a lot of what he was talking about. Can you provide me with some information or steer me in the right direction to find out more about this stuff so I can bring the right equipment to him on my next trip to Brazil?

Thanks, TJ

Really enjoying this issue--especially the Fogue (sp) work and Tibetan notes--am delighted with this publication! Take good care! all the best! Karla Keller, GM The Gotham/KelArts

Copyright © 1995 The International Communique Ltd