Sidereal Astrology Home Page

In tropical astrology, in vogue in the West for many hundreds of years, the start of the zodiac is taken to commence with the Spring Equinox. Owing to the astronomical phenomenon called precession, this starting point tracks backwards approximately 51" of arc per year against the background of the stars. At one point, both sidereal and tropical zodiacs coincided - this was in the 3rd or 4th century AD. Since this date, the two zodiacs have inexorably separated from one another. The separation is not yet absolute as the signs share a common arc of approximately six degrees. When a tropical astrologer states that the Moon is in Aries 10 degrees, what she or he probably does not realise is that the Moon occupies a point in the constellation of Pisces of about 16 degrees. Siderealists and tropicalists talk and write as if they are referring to the same constellations, but a gap of 24 degrees separates the one from the other.

A rough and ready method of converting between the zodiacs is by adding six degrees to tropical longitudes and substracting a sign. Astrological textbooks seldom draw attention to these disparities, yet when this matter is referred to, the defence seems to hold the position that as astrology is connected with symbolism, the zodiac has no real affinity with the position of the stars whatsoever. Such assertions bring ridicule on astrology from astronomers.

Sidereal astrology is not some new-fangled variation but, as Cyril Fagan described it, 'the grand-daddy' of all zodiacs. It figured in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: 'Throughout the true Tarot, the teaching assigns the commencing point of the zodiac to the bright star "Regulus", which is in Leo. And it measures Right Ascension and Longitude from that point, and not from a suppositious point divided by the Equinox and called the zero degree of Aries (though in reality now far removed from the constellation of that name), which has been adopted by modern or western astronomy and astrology." (Grade papers of the Golden Dawn: The Tree of Life as projected in a Solid Sphere, Regardie's edition.)

Robert Fludd, an Elizabethan alchemist and rosicrucian, is also credited with using a sidereal zodiac, according to Adam McLean of The Hermetic Journal.

In passing, it may be noted that W.B. Yeats, a leading light of the GD, knew Cyril Fagan, widely credited with the restoration of the sidereal zodiac.

This home page is expanding. Over the next several weeks we will be adding a host of invaluable information provided by Kay Cavender. She met and corresponded with Cyril Fagan, whose 100th anniversary it is this year. He is considered the father of modern western sidereal astrology. Kay has contributed a mass of valuable literature based on his work. See, for example, Houses. and an invaluable guide by Kay to the Basics of interpretation. She has also provided a very useful guide to the nature of the Planets. Much more will follow very shortly.

Material by Mike Magee

Time and the Kalachakra The principles of sidereal astrology are based on breath. This document shows some of the correlations between breath and time.

The Planets Correlations between Gauquelin's keywords, Hindu astrology, sidereal astrology and Reichian psychology. Drawn from Tantrik Astrology

Bioenergy, the Solar System and People The eight planets are opposites, with their rotational periods linked to human breath.

Software and Data

Astral Windows Download PC Astral Windows software. Astral Windows is shareware and you must register it to continue use after 30 days. After you have downloaded the software, you must use the -d option with PKUNZIP otherwise installation will fail.

Birth Data Dozens of charts of murderers in zipped format. When the file is unzipped the .DAT files are readable by Astral Windows.

Birth Data Charts of royals in the same format.

Birth Data Charts of sportsmen in zipped format. When the file is unzipped the .DAT files are readable by Astral Windows.

Bibliography A list of sources for sidereal and Hindu astrology.

Links to other places

Hindu Tantrik Home Page Vedik astrology is not the same as tantrik astrology, just as vedik religion has little to do with the tantrik tradition. These pages have some material on the tradition, based on the phases of the Moon.
Primer of Sidereal Astrology. The masterpiece by Cyril Fagan, who was considered the father of Western sidereal astrology and who would have been 100 this year. As far as we are aware, the Primer remains the only of Fagan's books still in print. Anyone who is aware of the whereabouts of the executors of his, Gleadow's and Bradley's literary remains is kindly asked to contact us at the email address, below.
Mesopotamian Astrology I by Robert Hand.
Mesopotamian Astrology II by Robert Hand.

John Van Zandt, who bought Carl Stahl's Solunars Publications, has some sidereal source books and others for sale as below to be sold as sets. These are very collectable and are invaluable for research. He also has other books by Carl Stahl.

American Astrology Solunars (1953-79) $600 (less than $2.00 per issue)
Spica $300 (easily worth $10.00 per issue) Constellations (Rosa) $50
Siderealist $50
Matrix (from Michael Erlewine) $100
Phenomena (published in Canada) $200

These prices do not include shipping (book price plus insurance for purchase price) and 10% handling. Payment must be in the form of a certified check or international money order to: John van Zandt, 24 Colorado, Highland Park, MI 48203-3302, USA.

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