Bioenergetics, Astrology and the Solar System

Planets in People

In 1976, I met a young American man who I shall call here Iadnamad. He happened to be interested in both sidereal astrology and the work of Wilhelm Reich and he had noticed that the different character types described in bioenergetic literature, had strong correlations with the nature of the planets.

His fundamental insight was that the eight planets could be considered opposite or perhaps as complementary. He correlated the planets with the bioenergetic stages in childhood in the order Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Mars (See table below). These, he maintained, were grouped in the pairs Pluto- Mercury, Jupiter-Saturn, Venus-Uranus, Neptune-Mars.

The bioenergetic literature is rich in descriptions of character types. Alexander Lowen,in his book Bioenergetics, says: "Each type has a special pattern of defense on both the psychological and muscular levels that distinguishes it from the other types...It is recognised that no individual is a pure type and that every person in our culture combines in different degrees...some or all of these defensive patterns."

In other of his and Wilhelm Reich's works, rather detailed descriptions are given of the types and Iadnamad was the first to realise that these descriptions tallied very closely to traditional planetary typology.

We need not accept the theories of bioenergetics to realise that the different clinical types described by Reich, Lowen, Freud, Fenichel and others form a large body of valuable observational data. For example, it is commonly accepted that many actors exhibit oral tendencies - the oral or narcissistic type enjoys the kind of adulation available through theatre or film - and the research of the Gauquelins shows that Jupiter tends to be strong at the birth time of such individuals.

Gurdjieff's enneagram shows how the planets are opposites.

The explanation offered by the various schools of therapies is that such oral tendencies are the result of deprivation at the suckling stage of infancy. Yet if such characteristics are the result of planetary influence, then the most that can be said is that such individuals, at birth, have a tendency to feel orally deprived. Or are we to conjecture that the child is the author of the deprivation?

The insights and attributions of Iadnamad owed nothing to astronomy and when I first encountered them I tried to relate them to the planets in the time they took to circle the Sun and in their order to and from the Sun. But, as the table below shows, while Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are paired together in the Iadnamad order, the other four planets are not.

Planets and their solar rotations
Solar rotation (days) Planet Planet Solar rotation (days)
90737 Pluto Jupiter 4332.6
60181 Neptune Mars 686.98
30688 Uranus Venus 224.7
10759 Saturn Mercury 87.97

When Iadnamad first compared the nature of the planets to the bioenergetic types, he realised that the characters described by Reich, Lowen et al, overlapped in some cases. The correlations he uncovered were:-

Planets and Bionergetic Types
Planet Type Level Solunar
Pluto Schizoid Cerebral Moon
Mercury Paranoid Cerebral Sun
Jupiter Oral narcissist Oral Sun
Saturn Masochist Oral Moon
Venus Passive feminine Anal Sun
Uranus Compulsive Anal Moon
Neptune Hysterical Genital Moon
Mars Phallic narcissistic Genital Sun

The two sets of planets are Lunar and Solar respectively and, if the bioenergetic connection is valid, each set is again divided into pre-genital and post-genital.

From the Sun and to the Sun
Pre-genital Pluto Mercury Jupiter Saturn
Post-genital Venus Uranus Neptune Mars
Pre-genital Pluto Mercury Jupiter Saturn
Post-genital Mars Neptune Uranus Venus

Something striking about these relationships caught my eye. If Cancer was assigned to Pluto rather than the Moon, Virgo assigned to Uranus rather than Mercury and Pisces assigned to Neptune rather than Jupiter, this fitted both the bioenergetic and zodiacal patterns.

Planets and Constellations
Aries Mars Libra Venus
Taurus Venus Scorpio Mars
Gemini Mercury Sagittarius Jupiter
Cancer (Pluto) Capricorn Saturn
Leo Sun Aquarius Saturn
Virgo (Uranus) Pisces (Neptune)

This arrangement meant that constellations could then be paired along planetary lines: Pisces-Aries, Gemini-Cancer, Virgo-Libra and Sagittarius-Capricorn. This formed a pleasing symmetry. If the traditional neo-Platonic planets were omitted from the table of constellations, the symmetry was complete.

The Constellations and the Planets
Sign Diurnal Nocturnal
Aries Mars Pluto
Taurus Waxing Moon
Gemini Mercury Neptune
Cancer Pluto Venus
Leo Sun
Virgo Uranus Mercury
Libra Venus Saturn
Scorpio Waning Moon
Sagittarius Jupiter Uranus
Capricorn Saturn Mars
Aquarius Sun
Pisces Neptune Jupiter

Schematicism is one thing but how do these diurnal and nocturnal attributions correlate with the nature of the signs themselves? There is no doubt that they are helpful to an understanding of both the symbolism of the constellations and their nature. And, for the first time, the octaves of childhood development, the planets and the constellations are shown to be inter-dependent.

For myself, the last 16 years have amply confirmed that Iadnamad's original insights were valid. The nature of the trans-Saturnian planets in astrology has been difficult to fathom. Pluto was only discovered in 1930. But the descriptions of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are ancient and verified, to some degree, by the work of the Gauquelins. So we can discover the true nature of the trans-Saturnian bodies by comparing them with their opposites.

If Venus is soft, vulnerable and affectionate and Uranus is its planetary opposite, then we can confidently predict Uranus will be hard, invulnerable and cold. If Mars is aggressive, goal-orientated and thrusting we can judge that Neptune will be passive, not interested in goals and receptive. Observation confirms such insights. Jung's extraversion and introversion and Reich's narcissism and masochism are modern-day versions of the ancient classification into solar and lunar types.

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Copyright © 1995 Mike Magee. Artwork © 1995 Jan Bailey. All rights reserved.

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