The brief answer is YES. Some forms of ritual abuse exist; others seem to be extremely rare or non-existent.

Definition of Ritual Abuse

There are many criminal activities that have been called ritual abuse, ritualized abuse, Satanic ritual abuse, Christian ritual abuse, sadistic ritual abuse, etc. And there is no consensus on the precise definition of any of these terms. For the purposes of this series of essays, we use three definitions: --------------------------------------

Classification of Ritual Abuse Cases

We attempt to classify ritual abuse into 6 categories, according to the religious beliefs, mental state, profession and motivation of the abusers. Some categories exist; others occur only in fantasy. All of the cases that we have studied fit into one of the following categories:
  1. abuse by secret, multi-generational Satanic cults
  2. abuse by religious Satanists (members of the Church of Satan, etc)
  3. abuse and murder by psychotic or psychopathic individuals
  4. abuse by child molesters pretending to be Satanists
  5. abuse by Christian groups
  6. abuse in day care centers, Sunday schools and baby-sitting services.
We will deal with each of these categories below: --------------------------------------

Mistakes Often Made during MVMO Cases

The decision of the jury depends largely on the believability of the children. Carefully designed studies have shown that children can be easily prompted by interviewers to disclose stories of abuse that never happened.

A report issued by a California Grand Jury (10) finds that:

"Criminal trial juries find it hard to believe that children can tell such incredible stories if nothing has happened to them. They find themselves faced with either believing the children are lying or the perpetrator is guilty. In some cases they have chosen to believe the children. Another option is to choose to believe that the child's narrative memory has been contaminated by the therapy."

For years, medical "experts" have used the results of anal winking and dilation tests as proof of sexual abuse. These opinions have been totally discredited in recent years by studies which show that almost 2/3 of nonabused children will show anal winking, and that half show anal dilation. (11). Unfortunately, these data were only published in 1989; too late for many of the MVMO trials. Hymen irregularities can be present since birth or be caused by accidents or sexual penetration. They are present in both abused and unabused girls. Tests for sexually transmitted diseases often show false positive results. One commonly used test detected germs that are frequently found in children's throats and identified them as gonorrhea.

Another contributor to incorrect verdicts are the belief systems of the investigators in the District Attorney office. They are often faced with a wide variety of disclosures from the children: some physically impossible; others proven false by physical evidence; some conceivable; and some completely bizarre. They recognize that many of allegations are clearly false, but seem to suspend all judgment and skepticism towards the allegations that could have happened. They seem unable to learn from previous MVMO hoaxes in other communities.

A final factor is the "believe the children" mindset of much of the public. A generation ago, incest and sexual abuse of children were believed to be extremely rare. One source estimated one in every 250,000 children. Many feminists and women's organizations have since promoted the concept that such abuse is extremely widespread. A common estimate is that one out of every four children is sexually abused before the age of 18. Some sources say one in three. These numbers are based upon studies of adults and include all forms of sexual abuse, from an obscene phone call or a date making a pass to actual child rape. In promoting their beliefs, many feminists urged that people always believe children whenever they disclose abuse. They regard any skepticism of child disclosures as an accusation that the child is intentionally lying. A third possibility exists: that the interview process itself can cause a child to make up stories to satisfy the interviewer, and that these stories gradually become implanted in memory.

It is only in recent years that studies have shown how easy it is for an interviewer to coax disclosures from children of events that never happened.

The Effects of Ritual Abuse Cases on Society

After studying the details surrounding a number of MVMO cases, it is our belief that no ritual abuse actually happened in all or essentially all of the cases. But the interviews, investigations and trials have had many negative effects on society

Factors to Keep in Mind When a MVMO Hoax Strikes

We urge that you consider the following factors when faced with news of still another MVMO case:

Descriptions of MVMO Ritual Abuse Cases

We have studied a number of MVMO cases involving ritual abuse. It is difficult to keep the details of each case separate, because they share so many common features. We believe that some child sexual molestation did happen at Country Walk, and perhaps in a few of the remaining cases. But it is our opinion that no ritual abuse occurred in any of them. --------------------------------------
We have been unable to classify a case that was discovered in Utah during an in-depth ritual abuse investigation during 1993-95. The parents have admitted to Satanic abuse of their children. Sexual assaults, pretend infant killing, various methods of torture, etc were involved. It is not known whether the perpetrators were religious Satanists (Type 2 above) or psychopaths (Type 3). Unfortunately, the statute of limitations prevents prosecution. --------------------------------------

Ritual Abuse References

  1. The Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions (AMER) has an on-line copy of the FBI report on the (non)existence of evil Satanic cults by Ken Lanning, titled "Investigator's Guide to Allegations of 'Ritual' Child Abuse". See it at:
  2. Clearing House on Child Abuse & Neglect Information, Characteristics & Sources of Allegations of Ritual Child Abuse, Suite 350, 3998 Fair Ridge Dr., Fairfax VA, 22033, $20 US. Issued 1994-Fall. Free summary available by calling (703) 385-7565.
  3. "Final Report of the Task Force Studying Ritual Crime", Richmond, VA; (1991); This documents the conclusions of the Crime Commission Task Force Studying Ritual Criminal Activity.
  4. "State Task force Finds No Major Cult Activity", Richmond New Leader, 1991-AUG-15
  5. Prof. J.S. Lafontaine, [Great Britain] Department of Health, "Extent & Nature of Organized Ritual Abuse" ISBN 011 11 321797 8; 1994-May. Available from Unipub, 4611-F Assembly Drive, Lanham MD 20706, for USF$ 11.49
  6. "Report of the Ritual Abuse Work Group" Minister of Justice, PO Box 20301, 2500EH, The Hague, Netherlands, 1994-APR. (They found that ritual abuse exists only in the mind; it has no basis in fact.)
  7. Linda Blood, "The New Satanists", Warner Books, New York, NY, (1994)
  8. C.A. Ross, "Satanic Ritual Abuse, University of Toronto Press, Toronto ON, (1995), P. 62
  9. T. Maury, "The Ultimate Evil, Bantam Press, New York NY, (1987)
  10. 1991-92 San Diego County Grand Jury, Report #8 "CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE, ASSAULT, AND MOLEST ISSUES" (San Diego County, CA). See:
  11. J. McCann, L. Voris, M. Simon, R Wells, "Perianal Findings in Prepubertal Children Selected for Nonabuse: a Descriptive Study.", Child Abuse & Negelect, 13(2), P. 179-193 (1989). 267 children, aged 2 months to 11 years were examined. Anal irregularities of types used to "prove" sexual abuse were found in large percentages of children who had never been abused.

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