Four Families from Bishop Auckland, County Durham were accused of Satanic Ritual Abuse in 1993.

The trigger for this MVMO case was a teenager who was accused, charged and convicted of molesting children. This, plus neighborhood animosities led to charges of Satanic Ritual Abuse against four families who were in fact not Satanists, but Atheists, Baptists and Roman Catholics. Their accusers were other families who lived on the same street. They were supported by an Evangelical Christian minister who coached the children to reenact Satanic ritual scenes. The accused faced multiple charges of rape and sodomy. Additional allegations included:

The original investigation was performed by the police. They found no evidence to support the charges. The girls were medically checked and found to be virgins. A joint team of police officers and social workers was organized. They were able to obtain allegations from the children. A pediatrician from Newcastle, Dr. C. de San Lazaro, supported the accusing families; Dr. Lazaro was also active in the Newcastle MVMO case described above.

As in previous MVMO cases, this one was investigated with a large commitment of personnel. Charges were laid, even though physical evidence was totally missing and the interviewers used unreliable techniques. However, this case is different. In the United Kingdom, a separation is maintained between the Crown Prosecution Service and the prosecuting counsel in court. In 1995-JAN, the senior prosecutor, David Robson decided to not prosecute because:

The accusing parents started proceedings to bring a civil suit against the accused.
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