Many adults enter therapy with no recollections of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). However, if they receive Recovered Memory Therapy, then some will recover CSA memories. Some therapists claim an 80% success rate; a few claim 100%. Often memories emerge during meetings of survivors; sometimes they materialize during self-hypnosis.

Approximately 20% of the clients who recover memories of CSA also uncover memories of ritual abuse or of Satanic or Sadistic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

Active debate exists within the mental health community about the accuracy of such memories. It has produced a split among professionals. Most memory researchers believe that recovered memories should not be regarded as valid unless corroboration is first obtained (1). Many therapists believe that the memories represent real events. Various professional organizations have recommended against accepting recovered memories as accurate without external verification.

SRA memories usually include being forced to attend Satanic rituals conducted by inter-generational, secret cults. They were forced to watch and sometimes participate while animals and infants were tortured and ritually murdered; the victim's flesh was eaten and their blood consumed. There are many indicators that such cults do not exist and that the SRA memories are false.

Along with memories of Satanic rituals, many SRA survivors recall being subjected to programming sessions by the cult; this lead to mind control by the cult. The Los Angeles County Task Force on Ritual Abuse (2) describes programming as follows:

Mind control is the cornerstone of ritual abuse, the key element in the subjugation and silencing of its victims. Victims of ritual abuse are subjected to a rigorously applied system of mind control designed to rob them of their sense of free will and to impose upon them the will of the cult and its leaders.

Elements of mind control programming are often believed to include:

Does Programming Exist?

We have been unable to uncover hard evidence of its existence. Like SRA itself, there are thousands or tens of thousands of people who have recovered memories of having been programmed in cults. Many have been diagnosed as suffering from MPD/DID. But such memories are highly suspect. (1)

We have been unable to find any criminal charges or convictions relating to these forms of abuse. We have been unable to find any instance where a survivor was followed during a recall to the cult. We have never been able to locate a survivor of cult-induced programming who has had continuous memories of the abuse. We have never found a credible Satanic ritual abuse disclosure by a child. We tentatively conclude that no programming, and in fact no Satanic Ritual Abuse is perpetrated by organized cults in North America.

Why Do People Believe in Programming?

Fundamental beliefs which are commonly held by people who believe in programming and mind control are:

Under pressure from the Counter-Cult Movement, the American Psychological Association gave legitimacy to these beliefs in their DSM-IV manual (4). They described a type of dissociative disorder that can "occur in individuals who have been subjected to periods of prolonged and intensive coercive persuasion (e.g. brainwashing, thought reform, or indoctrination while captive)"

With these beliefs, an effective communication network, and real concern for women with recovered memories, the concepts of programming, triggers and mind control have become widely accepted among feminist and other groups.

Specific Techniques of Programming

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We were unable to locate any WWW sites which contain skeptical information about mind control programming by Satanic cults
  1. C.A. Ross, "Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment", University of Toronto Press, Toronto ON, (1994), P. 139
  2. Los Angeles County Commission for Women: The Ritual Abuse Task Force, "Ritual Abuse", Los Angeles CA (1991)
  3. D.W. Neswald, C. Gould, V. Graham-Costain, "Common "programs" observed in survivors of satanic ritual abuse:, California Therapist, (1991-SEP/OCT), P. 47-50.
  4. American Psychological Association, "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition", Washington DC (1994)
  5. R. Ofshe & E. Watters, Making Monsters, Scribners, New York, NY, (1994), P.187-193
  6. Ritual abuse and healing home page at: http://www.xroads.com/rahome/lovern.html
  7. MindNet Journal issues often contain information on mind control conspiracies. Back issues are available on line.
  8. A list of books that support belief in Satanic programming is at: http://www.xroads.com/rahome/fav_book.html
  9. Ritual Abuse Hot-Line Training material is published at http://www.xroads.com/rahome/ra_hotl.html

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