Much of the school-based religious propaganda, hatred and misinformation comes at Halloween time. This may be because the end of October and beginning of November includes three historically related observances:

Propaganda seems to occur in one of two forms:

To most people, Halloween is a fun time. To others, it a time when Satan and his demons are particularly active, and when children are in real danger. The propaganda mills go into high speed at the end of October each year.

What we see is a conflict between two world concepts:

Religious Intolerance In Religious School

The Sunday News, a weekly tabloid from New Zealand contained an article in its 1995-OCT-22 edition: CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PUTS HEX ON WITCHES by Neil Reid.

A local Christian school, Bethlehem College, banned a number of children's classics, including "Bad Jelly The Witch" by Spike Milligan. Pages of some textbooks were either ripped out or glued together. According to principal Graham Preston, the banned books and songs described Witches in a "fun sense". He mentioned that the school was determined to produce "pure thinking kids".

As described elsewhere at this site, the term Witch currently has two mutually exclusive meanings:

This school wants to preserve the latter meaning of "Witchcraft" by withholding any positive image of real Witches from the children. Books portraying Witches in an evil light will probably be permitted in the school. This will guarantee that the discrimination and persecution of Witches, which started about 1450 CE in Western Europe, will continue into the next millennium. Many conservative Christians will continue to live in fear of evil people who do not exist.

Attempt to Suppress Halloween Celebration

On 1995-OCT-18 at about 10:00 hrs, CNN carried a short report of a school controversy in Los Altos CA. The public school's traditional celebration of Halloween was being opposed by people which CNN identified as "conservative Christians". During a meeting of the school board meeting: The result of the school board meeting was that Halloween will be celebrated as usual again this year in the public schools of Los Altos.

Separation of Church and State Issue

The Orlando Sentinel (1995-DEC-7) reported on a suit filed by a Robert Guyer of Gainesville FL about the celebration of Halloween at his son's school. His claim was that Witches, cauldrons and brooms were religious symbols. Thus the celebration violated the principle of separation between church and state.

His appeal was turned down by the Florida Supreme Court in 1994-JUL; the US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal in 1995-DEC. Perhaps the courts looked upon Halloween symbols as more cultural than religious.

Anti-Halloween Religious Propaganda

For an analysis of anti-Halloween propaganda see HALLOWEEN: MYTHS, MONSTERS AND DEVILS", a 26 page essay by W.J. Bethancourt III at:
His introduction mentions: "Every year, right around Halloween, we are treated to an outpouring of what can only be described as "scare" literature telling us all about how the holiday is 'satanic' and evil, and should not be celebrated by Christians. These opinions are backed up with some rather unusual, and very frightening, fantasies masquerading as historical facts."

Werewolves, Vampires and Zombies

Stories about strange, unnatural creatures have terrified people for centuries. There is often a resurgence of interest in these deviate life forms at Halloween. They have a natural explanation:

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