About 85% of North Americans consider themselves Christian. An inquiry into Biblical references to the status of a fetus and abortion may thus be of interest. The following passages from the King James Version have been used in abortion debates:

The Bible does not address abortion directly. Exodus 21:22 appears to state that the fetus is not to be regarded as human. Thus abortions (which are performed prior to viability of the fetus) do not appear to be prohibited by its teaching. The Christian Scriptures (New Testament) might be interpreted as implying that a third trimester fetus has awareness and that its life should be preserved. Of course abortions (using the medical definition) are not performed at that time. When hysterotomies (Cesarean Sections) are performed after viability of the fetus, local state and provincial medical society regulations and any state legal restrictions on third trimester abortions require that they must be first justified on the basis of preventing a very severe threat to the health or life of the woman, or because the fetus is dead, or due to some other overwhelming medical consideration. (In very rare instances, where the fetus is already partially born, a D&X may be performed.)

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