Recent additions to this site

This web site is still expanding and currently amounts to 17 megabytes. There are about 120 accesses a day.
This site has now been moved from its original server at colloquium to Please set your bookmarks to this new entry point.
This new site will allow for the expansion of the alchemy web, and should provide faster access, particularly for people in the USA. Space on this server has been donated by Dan Levy of Over the next few months I should be able to add a graphic library of alchemical illustrations and a number of new text files.
Back to home page.

July 24.
Added postings 1101-1150 to the alchemy forum archive
Added postings 1151-1200 to the alchemy forum archive
Added postings 1201-1250 to the alchemy forum archive
Added postings 1251-1300 to the alchemy forum archive
Added postings 1301-1350 to the alchemy forum archive
July 23.
Added Thomas Vaughan - Coelum Terrae to various alchemical texts.
Added The Six Keys of Eudoxus to various alchemical texts.
Added Provisional list of Ph.D theses on alchemy.
Added Doctor Robert Fludd (1574-1637) By Sharon M.W. to articles page.
July 22.
Added postings 1001-1100 to the alchemy forum archive.
July 21.
Updated the page of related and linked sites again.
July 19.
Updated the page of related and linked sites.
Added a listing of 300 scholarly articles to the articles section.
July 12.
Added an article on 'The Forbidden Alchemy'.
June 12.
Added an article entitled 'An Hermetic Origin of the Tarot Cards? A Consideration of the Tarocchi of Mantegna'
June 6. Added postings 0951-1000 to the alchemy forum archive.
Added a section of alchemical emblems handcoloured by Adam McLean.
June 3.
Added a new timeline of alchemists.
May 28.
Added an article on 'Roger Bacon's Place in the History of Alchemy' by Edmund Brehm to articles page.
Reorganised the new alchemy forum archive into smaller files.
May 27.
Added some new illustrations to alchemy in art section.
May 25.
Added a new section on alchemical graphics, emblems and drawings, with a series of pages devoted to alchemy in art with 11 coloured illustrations.
May 22.
Added 'Notes On Tantric Alchemy and the Purification of Mercury' by Steven A. Feite to articles page.
Added Francis Bacon 'Experiments touching Sulphur and Mercury' [transcribed by Marcus Williamson.]
May 21.
Set up new site on
May 2.
Added final part of the Turba Philosophorum.
May 1.
Added the final group of figures to the Crowning of Nature.
April 30.
Added the Crowning of Nature with series of 67 coloured figures [not yet completed].
April 25.
Added an archive (1.5 megs!) of the past 775 alchemy forum message.
April 24.
Added chapters 1-4 of Valentin Weigel's Astrology Theologized.
April 23.
Added part of the Turba Philosophorum.
April 22.
Added second part of John Reid's Course on Plant Alchemy.
April 14.
Added part of John Reid's Course on Plant Alchemy.
April 8.
Added the 'Hermetic Arcanum' of Jean d'Espagnet
April 2.
Added A Short Enquiry concerning the Hermetic Art.
Added The Ripley Scroll
March 29.
Added Pontanus - Epistle on the mineral fire.
March 26.
Added An adept's allegory to a certain scholar.
Added The Duenech allegory
Added The Globe allegory
Added The Golden Age Restored
Added Greverus
Added The allegory of Merlin
Added Muller's allegory
Added Ruland's allegory
Added Sendivogius' Enigma of the Sages
Added Thomas Vaughan's allegory of the Mountain
Added Allegories of Zosimos of Panoplis
Added The allegorical tale in Novalis' novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen
Added The Mystic Tower from The Mystic Rose from the Garden of the King
Feb 28.
Added The Golden Tract concerning the Philosophers Stone [transcribed by Jerry Bujas]
Reorganised the various alchemical texts page a little.
Feb 27.
Added The Glory of the World [transcribed by Jerry Bujas]
Added explanation of the Emerald Tablet from The Glory of the World
Feb 14.
Added Francis Bacon - The Making of Gold [transcribed by Marcus Williamson]
Feb 12.
Added A Tract of Great Price, The Only True Way and The Testament of Cremer [transcribed by Jerry Bujas]
Feb 7.
Added Reginald Scot on alchemy to literary works page.
Feb 6.
Added a lecture by Dave Hudson to alchemy forum archives.
Jan 31.
Added a Summary of the Rosary of Arnoldus de Villa Nova.
Jan 26.
Added Rosicrucian Aphorisms and Process by Bacstrom.
Jan 24.
Added The practise of Mary the Prophetess in the Alchymicall Art.
Added An Alchemical poem by Thomas Rawlin.
Jan 11.
Added commentary on the Rosarium philosophorum.
Added article on Bacstrom's Rosicrucian society.
Jan 9.
Added certain verses of an unknown writer, from Benedict Figulus.
Amended 157 Canons with additional bibliographic information.
Jan 5.
Added an article on the Birds in alchemy.