Ph.D theses on alchemy

A provisional list of some Ph.D. theses on alchemy and hermeticism.
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1. Amourette, Gerard. "Jean Vauquelin des Yveteaux (1651-1716), sa vie, son oeuvre, et le milieu des alchimistes Normands du XVIIe siecle."
These de doctorat de IIIe cycle. Histoire de l'esoterisme chretien, Directeur d'etudes: M. Francois Secret. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Ve section - Sciences religieuses.

2. Baldrian, Farzeen. "Alchimie interieure des song. Etude introductive d'un systeme accompagnee d'une traduction du Ling-Pao Pifa."
Nature : Doctorat de 3e cycle. Ancien regime. Discipline : Etudes Indiennes et extreme-Orientales. Date : 1979. University : Paris 7

3. Bonardel, Francoise. "Vision du Grand OEuvre en Extreme Occident"
Nature : Doctorat d'etat. Discipline: Philosophie. Grenoble 2 University. Date: 1984. Director: Durand, Gilbert.

4. Buntz, H. "Deutsche alchimistische Traktate des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts."
Ph.D. Munich. 1968.

5. Calvet, Antoine. "La version d'oc du Rosarius philosophorum attribue a Arnaud de Villeneuve (Introduction, etude de langue, edition, traduction.)"
Nature : Doctorat (Nouveau Doctorat ). Discipline : Litterature Francaise. Date : 1995. University : Paris 4. Director : Thiolier Mejean, Suzanne. Registration number : 94PA040244. English summary : The Rosary is a translation in the Occitan language of the second part (Practica) of Rosarius philosophorum, the famous fourteenth century alchemical treatise ascribed to the physician Arnald of Villanova. After an introduction where we tackle problems of the dating and authenticity of the text, together with questions related to manuscripts and relationships between the Occitan text and its Latin model, we propose, following a linguistic study (phonetic, morphology, syntax and lexicology), an edition of the Rosary with a translation in standard French, accompanied by a transcription of the Latin text.

6. Colnort Bodet, Suzanne. "Distillateurs et alchimistes. Histoire des oppositions et de leur Remede: La Quintessence."
Nature : Doctorat de 3e cycle. Ancien regime. Discipline : Histoire. Date : 1984. University : Paris 4. Director : Moraze, Charles. English summary : The Rosary is a translation in the Occitan language of the second part (Practica) of Rosarius philosophorum, the famous fourteenth century alchemical treatise ascribed to the physician Arnald of Villanova. After an introduction where we tackle problems of the dating and authenticity of the text, together with questions related to manuscripts and relationships between the Occitan text and its Latin model, we propose, following a linguistic study (phonetic, morphology, syntax and lexicology), an edition of the Rosary with a translation in standard French, accompanied by a transcription of the Latin text.

7. Dixon, Laurinda S. "Alchemical imagery in Bosch's Garden of delights."
Ph.D. thesis. Boston University. 1980.

8. Dumery, Henry. "L'Alchimie en France dans la premiΦre moitiee du XIX eme siecle"
Doctorat de Philosophie, Paris X University, 1981.

9. Esposito, Daniel. "La porte du Dragon"
Paris 7 University, ref : 93 PA070101.

10. Heusser, Ulrich. "Die Fruehe Alchimie [Early alchemy.]"
Inaugural dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor (PhD) at the Higher Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne. (Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Cologne). Presented by Ulrich Heusser, from Zurich. Doctorate awarded 26 June 1976.

11. Joly, Bernard. "Les formes de rationalite a l'oeuvre dans la pensee alchimique au XVIIeme siecle. Traduction commentee du manuscriptum ad Fredericum de Pierre-Jean Fabre."
Nature : Doctorat (Nouveau Doctorat ). Discipline : Philosophie. Date : 1988. University : Lille 3. Director : Dumont, J. Paul. Registration number : 88LIL30014. English summary : Classical alchemistic thought in the seventeenth century elaborates a theory of metal generation in which Stoic physics constitutes an essential pattern. In manuscriptum ad fredericum, Pierre-Jean Fabre presents the main guidelines of the doctrine according to which alchemical experiments are purifying processes which reveal the primal material of metals, the metallic semen sent from heaven, which is composed of three principles : mercury, sulphur and salt. In its accomplished form, it is called philosophical stone and removes all blemish from metals which it turns into gold, as well as from other living beings, which it cures. The coherence of this theory, which set up the prevaling pattern to the approach of matter as composed bodies until the eighteenth century enables Fabre to interpret the most common alchemistic allegories. By displaying patterns of rationality in the alchemistic thought it becomes possible to apprehend alchemy philosophically, rejecting both reductionistic positivism which considers alchemy merely as a prechemistry and a questionable interpretation of alchemy as a form of esoterism neglecting the rational dimension.

12. Laurent, Jean-Pierre "L'Esoterisme en France de 1948 α 1914"
Nature : Doctorat d'etat. Discipline : Sociologie. Date : 1990 University : Paris 12. Director : Poulat, Emile. Registration number : 89PA120055. English summary: Esoterism and occultism appeared in the French language around 1840 with Pierre Leroux, the first socialists and masonic authors both, to fill up the ditch increasing between science and religion. After the check of a new Christian science, new systems only seemed able to manage the religious estate like a parallel speech.

13. McIntosh, Christopher. "The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason. Eighteenth Century Rosicrucianism in Central Europe and its Relationship to the Enlightenment. "
Ph.D. thesis. Oxford.

14. Meillassoux le Cerf, Micheline. "Dom Pernety et son milieu (1716-1796). Contribution a l'histoire de la sensibilite et des idees la second moite de XVIIIeme siecle."
Nature : Doctorat d'etat. Discipline : Histoire. Date : 1988. University : Paris 4. Director : Chaunu, Pierre. Registration number : 87PA040095. English summary : Pernety's life spans the whole of the xviiith century and his various activities provide a fairly good summing up of that period. As a Benedictine monk in Saint-Maur, he lived at Saint Germain-des-Pres abbey and took an active part in the intellectual life of his time. His first writings dealt with quite miscelleanous subjects : a handbook for the Benedictine order, a dictionary of painting, a book of fables, a mythical-hermetic dictionary, a relation of travels in south America. After a year spent with Bougainville's expedition to the Falkland islands (Malouines), he was directly involved in the inner contestation crises which shook the Benedictine order twenty years before the French revolution. For reasons still unknown, he left monastic life and became King Frederick II's librarian in Berlin. The books he wrote then deal with psychology and physiognomony : he also translated Swedenborg's works. With Brumore and Grabianka, he was one of the founders of the Illuminists of Berlin, a group that later moved to Avignon. He wrote the transcription of the book of the holy word kept in Avignon, a pamphlet gathering the questions and answers exchanged by the Illuminists with a mysterious heavenly oracle. At the time when the group, momentarily scattered, was reforming in Comtat, the French revolution broke out in Avignon, and that land, still a pontifical dominion, asked to be united to France. Pernety was to die in 1796 and the group of the Illuminists did not outlive him. Thus the originality of Pernety's itinerary can be seen : it is remarkable for its great diversity. Pernety was indeed a typical man of the xviiith century, who took part in the activities of the most traditional religious order, in the movement of the age of the enlightenment as well as in irrational research such as prevailed towards the end of that troubled century. The study of Dom Pernety, altogether a monk, a thinker, a traveller, an alchemist ... "

15. Noalhyt, Martine. "D'une homologie relative entre alchimie et grande cuisine au XVIIeme siecle en France."
Nature : Doctorat (Nouveau Doctorat). Discipline : Sociologie. Date : 1992. University : Paris 5. Director : Thomas, Louis-Vinc. Registration number : 92PA05H041. English summary : After one hundred years of silence, cooks, in France, at the end of the xviith century, had published a new culinary books. This included recipes which did not seem to conform to the same rules of composition, new ingredients were highly considered. The medieval lords cooking responded to dietetic principles inherited from Galean medecine, this one, child of Aristotle representation of the subject : a subtle game between the four elements and their quality organised the culinary art. Smoothness was in the centre of every alimentary composition : Obtaining it meant combining work between tastes, revealing each of the qualities (hot, cold, dry, wet) of the ingredient. The decreasing prestige of the Galean medecine and his corollary : dietetic bonded to the success of the Paracelsan medicine (Iatrochimie), introduced cooks to reconsider, unconsciousness, the rules of the conversion of the culinary substances. The Paracelsan medicine had a new manner to consider the ultimate elements of the subject : earth, water, air and fire gradually disappeared to the advantage of mercury, sulphur and salt. The law of the composition who governed the reciprocal action of peripateticians elements made soom for breaking open, extraction, purification and coagulation of the subject ..."

16. Oreovicz, Cheryl Zechman. "Eirenaeus Philoponos Philalethes 'The Marrow of Alchemy' (London, 1654-55): A Critical Edition."
The Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D., 1972. Language and Literature, general.

17. Pelvet, Pierre "L'Alchimie en France dans la premiere moite du vingtieme siecle."
Nature : Doctorat de 3e cycle. Matter : Philosophie. Date : 1981. University : PARIS 10 Directeur: Dumery, Henry.

18. Perifano, Alfredo. "L'Alchimie a la cour de Come 1er de Medicis: Culture scientifique et systeme politique."
Nature : Doctorat (Nouveau Doctorat). Discipline : Etudes Italiennes. Date : 1990. University : Paris 8. Directeur : Plaisance, Michel. Registration number : 90PA080514. "Cosimo de Medici (1519-1574) felt a great interest towards alchemy as his contemporaries attest. he devoted himself to an intense activity of distillation and experimentation in his laboratory called "Duke's fonderia". Various manuscripts of alchemy dedicated to the Duke show this interest and favour towards alchemy at the Florence court, as well as the relationship between alchemy, medicine, pharmacology, metallurgy and botany. Even if alchemy was never admitted as an..."

19. Schuler, Robert Michael. "Hermetic and alchemical traditions of the English Renaissance and seventeenth century, with an essay on their relation to alchemical poetry, as Illustrated by an edition of "Blomfild's Blossoms", 1557."
University of Colorado, Ph.D., 1971, Language and Literature, general.

20. Szydlo, Zbigniew. "The alchemy of Michael Sendivogius."
Ph.D. thesis. London. 1992.