Saturn & Satellites Image Index

   Name             W x H      Size  Description

[DIR]Parent Directory ------- -


[MOV]encelad.avi      -------      3M  Flight over Enceladus
[MOV]spoke.avi        -------      1M  Saturn's spokes in rings
[MOV]satstorm.mpg     -------    182K  60-HST exposures showing a storm in the atmosphere of Saturn
[MOV]titanrot.mpg     -------    117K  Rotating globe of Titan
[TXT]titanrot.htm     -------      1K  Caption for titanrot.mpg

Saturn Images

[IMG]fring.gif        208x205     31K  Saturn's F-Ring
[IMG]ringsat.gif      696x501     76K  Saturn's satellites and ring plane structure
[IMG]ringsat.tif      1850x1335    1M  Saturn's satellites and ring plane structure
[IMG]ringsfl.jpg      752x960    127K  False color of Saturn's rings
[TXT]ringsfl.txt      -------      1K  Caption for fingsfl.jpg
[IMG]sataur.gif       600x750    130K  Hubble provides the first images of Saturn's aurora
[TXT]sataur.htm       -------      3K  Caption for sataur.gif
[IMG]satfamil.gif     1119x900   127K  Saturn family
[IMG]satfamil.jpg     959x732     55K  Saturn family
[TXT]satfamil.txt     -------     897  Caption for satfamil.gif and satfamil.txt
[IMG]satnor.gif       640x512     43K  Nordic Optical Telescope image of Saturn
[IMG]satring.gif      800x580    205K  Rings of Saturn
[IMG]satrpc1.gif      600x750    144K  Comparison of ring edge-on with more traditional observation
[TXT]satrpc1.txt      -------      2K  Caption for satrpc1.gif
[IMG]satrpc3.gif      600x800    113K  Three image sequence of ring-plane crossing
[TXT]satrpc3.txt      -------      4K  Caption for satrpc3.gif
[IMG]satrpc3l.gif     600x800    120K  Three image sequence of ring-plane crossing with labels
[TXT]satrpc3l.txt     -------      4K  Caption for satrpc3l.gif
[IMG]satrpc8.gif      800x475    106K  Ring plane crossing - August 1995
[TXT]satrpc8.txt      -------      2K  Caption for satrpc8.gif
[IMG]satstorm.gif     800x500     72K  Storm on Saturn
[IMG]satstorm.tif     782x782      2M  Storm on Saturn
[TXT]satstorm.txt     -------      3K  Caption for satstorm.gif and satstorm.txt
[IMG]saturnb.gif      1192x708   316K  Last view of Saturn
[IMG]saturnfl.jpg     958x759     61K  False colored image of Saturn
[TXT]saturnfl.txt     -------      2K  Caption for saturnfl.jpg
[IMG]saturnx.gif      700x900    291K  Saturn

Saturn's Satellites

[IMG]atlas.gif        78x78        4K  Atlas
[IMG]calypso.gif      50x50        2K  Calypso
[IMG]dione.gif        645x784    178K  Dione
[IMG]dione3.gif       506x422    145K  Wispy white streaks on Dione
[IMG]dionec.gif       420x420    118K  Color composite of Dione
[IMG]enceladx.gif     600x600    252K  Enceladus
[IMG]epimeth.gif      312x312     46K  Epimetheus
[IMG]epimeth1.gif     320x483     91K  Conformal projection of Epimetheus
[TXT]epimeth1.txt     -------      2K  Caption for epimeth1.gif
[IMG]helene.gif       90x90        5K  Helene
[IMG]hyperio1.gif     166x150      9K  Hyperion
[IMG]hyperio2.gif     150x150      8K  Hyperion
[IMG]iapetus1.gif     410x410    117K  Iapetus
[IMG]iapetus2.gif     342x342     84K  Iapetus
[IMG]janus.gif        286x286     44K  Janus
[IMG]janus1.gif       150x150     15K  Janus
[IMG]janus2.gif       150x150     16K  Janus
[IMG]janus3.gif       320x538     94K  Conformal projection of Janus
[TXT]janus3.txt       -------      2K  Caption for janus3.gif
[IMG]mimas1.gif       408x408     90K  Mimas
[IMG]mimas2.gif       150x150     14K  Mimas & Herschel Crater
[IMG]pan1.gif         96x108       6K  Pan
[IMG]pan2.gif         352x310     54K  Pan within Encke gap
[IMG]pandora.gif      120x120     10K  Pandora
[IMG]pandora1.gif     320x413     64K  Shaded map of Pandora
[TXT]pandora1.txt     -------      2K  Caption for pandora1.txt
[IMG]phoebe.gif       120x120      9K  Phoebe
[IMG]pp.gif           547x422     73K  Prometheus, Pandora, and Saturn's F-ring
[IMG]prometh.gif      150x150     17K  Prometheus
[IMG]prometh1.gif     320x400     47K  Shaded relief map of Prometheus
[TXT]prometh1.txt     -------      2K  Caption for prometh1.gif
[IMG]prometh2.gif     610x353     94K  Cylindrical map of Prometheus
[TXT]prometh2.txt     -------      2K  Caption for prometh2.gif
[IMG]rhea1.gif        366x366     67K  Rhea
[IMG]rhea2.gif        790x760    558K  Rhea up close
[IMG]rhea3.gif        380x380     55K  Rhea - Trailing side
[IMG]rhea3.tif        380x380    156K  Rhea - Trailing side
[IMG]s1995s3.gif      550x850    181K  S/1995 S 3
[TXT]s1995s3.txt      -------      2K  Caption for s1995s3.gif
[IMG]telesto.gif      45x45        1K  Telesto
[IMG]tethys.gif       607x607    245K  Tethys
[IMG]tethys2.gif      460x460    101K  Tethys color composite
[IMG]titan1.gif       550x550    105K  Titan
[IMG]titanglb.gif     626x662    125K  Four views of Titan
[TXT]titanglb.htm     -------      2K  Caption for titanglb.gif
[IMG]titanmap.gif     1077x288   155K  Mercator map of Titan
[TXT]titanmap.htm     -------      3K  Caption for titanmap.gif
[IMG]titnhiph.gif     282x282     30K  Titan looking back