Leoís Flight Simulator  

Revised by Nigel Pond

This manual is not intended be a flight manual. Many other books fulfill this task much better.

This program is under construction. Until 01/01/2001 the program is freeware. The license will change on that date.  


Main menu  

View window

Instruments panel window

The divider between these two panels is used to determine the size of the panels

Main Menu



There are several tabs





Under development

Listen Wait for incomming connection. One PDA must listen and the other must connect

Connect Connect to a Listen PDA.



Configure the Weather. Two layers of clouds can be defined.

Type: Type of the Clouds. There are two types: Scattered and overcast

Bottom: The floor of the Clouds

Top: The ceil of the Clouds


Heading: Where are the wind blowing from.

Speed: The force of the wind

Bottom: floor of the wind effect

Top: ceil of the wind effect.

Turbulence: Turbulence effect on the wind layer.


Save situation

The current situation is saved to disk. You can save all situations you want.

Load situation

Load a situation saved previously.

Select COMM

Select the comm frequency. There are two box. First box to select airport. The Airports are sorted in distance to your aircraft. The second box to select the service. Autorizations/ATIS/Ground/Tower/Approach or Departures

Talk ATC

Use this option to talk with the controller selected. The type of the controler determine the posibilities to talk.

Select aircraft

This menu option is used to select a new aircraft. This option window uses two areas. In the upper area there are a list with available aircraft and in the bottom area there is information of the selected plane. You can select to see notes about the performance and history of the plane or a 3D view of the aircraft.


The helicopters are aircrafts. They are selected like aircrafts.

The Helicopters has different controls. The engine throttle is replaced by collective control. The engine is controled by and automated system. Use the trottle to go up.

Select scenery

This menu option is used to select scenery. It is similar to the "select aircraft window". In the top area you can select the scenery from the list of available scenarios and in the bottom area you can view a description of these areas.


Terminates Flight Simulator.  




View and follow the plane from distance.


View and follow the plane from the interior.


View and follow the plane from the control tower just as if you are using a radio controlled plane.


View the world from above. You can explore the environment and the navaids near you. The simulation continues running while you are exploring the world.

Scenery navs

Show a window to explore the scenery navaids. This window has three tabs.


Select an hour for the simulation. View Night for more information.


Select an hour for the simulation.   Night


Select an hour for the simulation.   Night



You can select several levels of compression. The compression mode, compresses the space, not the time of simulation. The plane is easier to fly than in time compression but the trajectory is not accurate.  



The Leo's Flight Simulator simulates night. The lights on the airport are: The runway edge lights are white. The Start and end lights are green and red. The VASIS lights aids to land. If the approach is high both lights are white. If the approach is low both lights are red and if the approach is correct one light is white and other is red.

The taxi runways are blue marked. The control tower has a light that flashes white and green.



The four forces

In a plane there are 4 forces:

The wing

An aircraft wing is curved in cross section. It is more curved on the upper surface than on the lower. This means that air flowing over the wing must travel faster over the upper surface than over the bottom surface. Therefore the air pressure is higher below the wing than above it and this produces lift.

If the angle of curvature of the wing is increased more lift are generated.

But if the angle is too great, the air cannot flow over the wing quickly enough and lift rapidly decreases.

The plane stalls and the descends quickly and out of control. This situation is dangerous especially at low altitude. If you stall, apply full power and nose down.


Flaps have two functions. They are used to increase the lift generated by the wing. 15∫ can be used to assist take off. But when the flaps are fully down, they cause a lot of drag which can be used to make final approach and touch down. The trade-off is that the stall speed decreases when the flaps are down.  


The View Window

External view shows the scenery. The External view can be controlled with the view controls.

Instruments Panel Window

The panel can be bigger than the screen. The panel can also be outside of the screen. Tap and drag to move the panel. To move the panel to the right touch the screen on the right side of the panel and drag the stylus over the screen leftwards. When you remove the stylus the panel will have moved. You can use the instrument pad to move the instrument panel more easily.

The Six Main Instruments

Speed: Indicates the speed of the plane. In the current beta, IAS and TAS are the same.

Artificial horizon: a visual indicator of the attitude of the plane.

Altimeter: It has three gauges. Hundred feet, Thousand feet and, and a triangle for Ten thousand feet.

Girocompass: Indicates the Heading of the plane. This instrument has inherited error. It deviates from its true position and must be corrected manually every ten minutes. LFS does not simulate this error and the girocompass is the same as a magnetic compass.

Variometer: Indicates the vertical speed in hundred feet per minute.

Turn coordinator: Indicates the rate of turn. The two marks on the side of the plane indicate a standard turn. A standard turn is 360 degrees per minute.  


Radio instruments

ADF ADF radio is an obsolete system. Itís a cheap instrument, so itís still used in light aviation. This instrument can measure the angle to an NDB (Non Directional Beacon). Itís difficult to fly with this instrument because you cannott read the heading to a navaid. You must calculate it by yourself.

NAV1/NAV2 These radios receive information from radioaids. NAVs receive signals from VOR directional radio beacons. The receiver can measure very accurately the angle to the radioaid. By triangulating between two radioaids you can find your correct position.

NAVS signal is show on several instruments:  

DME It's an instrument that measure the distance to the Nav Aid.

OBS this is the most simple of these instruments. It only marks the deviation from a selected heading. You select a radial to the VOR. The gauge will be centered when you are on the track. The gauge displaces when the angle to the VOR varies. In the controls section are instructions to select the selected heading or radial.

HSI (Horizontal situation instrument) this is the most complete of these instruments. It integrates a Girocompass and an OBS in a single instrument. It also has an ILS path indicator.

RMI (Radio magnetic indicator) this instrument has two arrows. The first points to the VOR selected in Nav2. The second points to the NDB selected in ADF receiver. The external ring of the RMI is connected to the same gyroscope that moves the Girocompass.

The RMI is attached to the same indicator that moves the Girocompass so it is possible to read the heading to the NDB by looking the number indicated by the arrow.  

The graphical view of these instruments in several situations is show in the picture below:




You can control the aircraft in several ways. The interface is designed to be used only with stylus or use the arrow keys or others keys when available  

The keys

You can use keys to control the aircraft. Keys are set on the keys tab on the options dialog.

Note: the stick is autocentered. If you push the left key, the ailerons will be left until you release the key and the stick returns to the center. The rudder is not autocentered. When you apply rudder left, the rudder remains left until you press the "center rudder" key or move the rudder right.

The tap areas

The tap areas on the view window

The view controls are "hot" areas over the view window. When you tap on the screen guides they are displsyed. Use these guides to find the hot areas.

The view of the scenery is controlled over the view window. When you touch on scenery screen you see guides for the hot areas.


The tap areas on the Instruments window

When you touch on the instrument panel, several rectangles appear marked. These rectangles are hot areas and these are their functions.

The touchpad.  

This a screen area that can be used as a stick. It is the only way to control the aircraft on PDAs that do not have control keys, like the Jornada 540 series.

The panels can define a touchpad to control the plane. This area is usually the girocompass but planes like the flybaby have a rectangle to fulfill this function.

When you tap on the left/right side of the rectangle the ailerons roll the plane left/right.

When you tap on the top/bottom side of the rectangle the elevators pitch the plane up/down.

The touch pad is proportional. You can tap near the center of the rectangle to use the stick softly, or near the edge for more abrupt movements.

The instrument pad

This pad is used to move the instrument panel right and left. Push on the right/left side of the screen to see the right/left side of the instrument panel.  

If the whole instrument panel is visible on the screen, the instrument pad is not displayed.

The instrument panel can be dragged to move it. The instrument pad is the top part of the instrument panel.

The rudder pad

To move the rudder you can use the keys assigned or the rudder pad. Please note that the rudder is not auto centered. When you use the rudder left, the rudder remains left until you center the rudder.

The rudder pad is usually on the turn coordinator, on the ball. Tap on the side part of the ball to put the rudder in another position. Double tapping the rudder pad centers the rudder.  


OBS and HSI radial selector

To select a radial on the OBS or the HSI instrument, tap on the round button on the low left side of the instrument. Then drag up and down to set the radial.  The exterior ring on the OBS or the gauge on the HSI will move.

Navs and ADF Radio frequency selector

To select a radio frequency on one radio you can use the view scenery menu option to select easily one navaid on a radio receiver or drag on the radio stack number to change to a more realistic frequency selection.

Tap on the radio you want tune and drag up and down to select the frequency. The whole numbers and decimal numbers are tuned separately. For example, to select 109.50 if the current frequency is 118.10, tap on the 118 and drag upward until tuned to 109.10. Then tap on the 10 and drag downwards until tuned 109.50.

Gear and other buttons  

The gear selector is always a little wheel. This wheel is located on the right side of the instrument panel.

Tap on these buttons to raise or lower the gear or for other functions (Lights or Strobe, etc).

These buttons are always connected to a key. Tapping on it is just like push a key.

The sliders

There are three sliders on the right side of the instrument panel.


Dynamic Scenery

The Leo's Flight Simulator simulate other traffic. This traffic flies randomly from an airport to another. These aircrafts mantain correct communications with Air Traffic Controllers.


The Leo's Flight Simulator simulate the Communications between dynamic aircrafts and the Air Traffic controllers.

There are several types of controllers:

Autorizations: These controllers are responsable of take track of the flight plans. You must contact autorizations before taxi. You request autorization to land on an airport. No other controller can direct you to your destiny if you don't get a land autorization before.

>>Request autorization for land on ...

<<You are cleared to land

ATIS: It's an automated record that reports weather, active runway and other information. The pilot is responsable to sintonice and hear ATIS prior to taxi.

Ground: Ground controllers are responsable of the  security of movements of the airplanes on the ground. In Leofs ground controller are dummies. They always give you autorization to taxi active runway.

>>Ready to taxi

<<Taxi to active runway and contact tower

Tower: Tower controller is reponsable of land and takeoff permisions.

>>Ready to takeoff

<<Winds calm, clear to take off

>>For land

<<Clear to land runway 31R




Departures: Departure controller is a radar controller. He will give you instructions in the proximities of an airport while you are flying from it.

>>Request Traffic Advisories

>>Request vectors direct

>>For landing

Approach: Approach controller is a radar controller. He will give you instructions when you are arraiving  to your destinity airport.

>>Request Traffic Advisories

>>Request vectors direct

>>For landing

Multicom: Multicom is not a controller. It's a service. You must not connect multicom but is normal connect Multicom. Several uncontrolled airports share the same multicom frequency. The communications with multicom must start and finish with the airport name. You must report the downwind, base and final legs. You must also indicate the departure and taxi.
