Wakefield show preview

Well the next major event in the Acorn Calender is only just around the corner, the Wakefield show takes place at Thornes Park Athletics Stadium on 16th and 17th May, between 10.30am and 5.30pm (4.30pm on the Sunday), For more details about the show, see the website. This page looks at the show from a gaming point of view, detailing the probable releases and things to look out for.


Artex Software GBR - Artex will be releasing their graphical adventure game Ankh at the show for a special price of £20.00. After the show it will cost £25. They will also be demonstrating a playable version of their long awaited strategy game TEK, which show visitors will be able to play (along with Ankh and Exodus) on some RISC PCs set up around their stand.

Datafile - The Datafile will have several major price reductions on their products at the show, Wizard Apprentice (which was recently reduced from £24.96 to £14.95) will be available at a special show price of £12.95. Their GEK games collection (Emotions and Flying High) will also be available for a special price of £12.00. Their range of CD-Rom's will also be available very cheaply, these CD-Roms are full of Public Domain software, including many games. PD-CD's 2 and 3 will be £4.00 each, PD-CD's 4 and 5 will be £7.50 each. You will be able to buy all 4 for £20.00 (and speaking as an owner of all of them, that is a real bargin).

Destiny Software - Robert Templeman will be releasing his long awaited Doom clone, Destiny, at the show. More information is available on the Destiny news page.

R-Comp - R-Comp Interactive will be releasing Acorn Quake at the show, the driver of which has been developed with fellow Acorn games company TBA Software. It will be available for about £35.00, but is StrongARM only. They will also be demonstating Syndicate+ and Abuse, which you will be able to order. Acorn Doom will be available at the special show price of £30.00, and they hope to have ARM 3 Doom available. This will be a low-detail version of their Doom trilogy, but it will still require 4mb RAM and a CD-Rom drive.

-------------- A full show report will be appearing on this site shortly after the show, and we hope to have full reviews of all the new games.