FX Demo News

Inspiration - new demo group (what, another?!) (31/7/98)
While everyone else seems to be planning for Revelation '98 - Inspiration have appeared and released their first demo! Ominoco is available for download here. I've reviewed this like any other demo, see here, although I'm not sure if I should have, always get a guilty conscience after slapping a 'Dire' rating on someone's work...

Divine Nature have produced more than a nice website! (31/7/98)
Take another look at their website, because there's now a couple of small programs to download while we're waiting for Eden! Nothing large enough to do a proper review of, but these are worth looking at.

Paul Wheatley has quit! (12/6/98)
Paul Wheatley, member of Kulture and regular contributor to Acorn User magazine - he who wrote all those demo reviews last year when the scene was so active - has announced he is "hanging up his Acorn coding boots". If you've seen the July issue of Acorn User you'll already know this, since this is where I found out from. Hopefully he won't fade into the background now he's busy writing computer games... any Acorn conversions, then, please?

Another new Acorn demo group! (14/5/98)
Divine Nature have just gone public - their first demo, Eden, is scheduled for Revelation 98 (aren't they all :-), but there's already some screenshots on the site to look at. Incidentally this is a really classy website: The Xperience have competition in this domain at least!

Reactive announce details of a new demo... (14/5/98)
Reactivity is to be released at Revelation 98, and from what I've heard, this'll be a pretty good contender... One to look forward to! Reactive have also produced a trailer for it - a huge animated GIF showing one of the effects: take a look.

Revelation 98 Demo Party
THE Big Event of '98 - Revelation 98 will be bigger, better and flashier than last year's. To be held at the Acorn World show in November, this promises much, and the prize of a RiscPCII for the winner will surely increase the number and standard of entries! I won't say any more - the official Revelation 98 web pages say it all... Oh, and remember to download DFi's invitation to the party.

DFi and VOTI join forces
DFi, makers of Fishtank 2 among others, and Visions Of The Impossible, authors of several good shareware games, seem set to join up to produce a game based on DFi's graphics engine. We don't yet know exactly what will come out of this venture... but for more information, check out DFi's web pages.

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