THIS section of the site contains news and reivews from the FX Demo scene. It is still very much under development so we need the help of demo coding groups to supply you the latest news/reviews.

A plea to coding goups:
If you're a member of a demo coding group then mail us at: demos@acornarcade.com and let us know what future releases you've got planned! Also, let us know what demos we've not reviewed and also please submit links to the new FX Demos links page!


New in the Demos section:
3/8/98: Added review of Ominoco by Inspiration
31/7/98: Updated at last! Sorry for the delay - I've been in the depths of PC-land for the last fortnight. Ah, the wonders of 3Dfx. Ahem. There's yet another new demo group on the scene, Inspiration - see the News pages!

Demo News
What's happening in the Acorn demos scene Updated 3/8/98

Latest Demos
The latest demos, reviewed and downloadable from here! Updated 3/8/98

Scene Interviews
Title says it all!

Top Five
The best demos on the Acorn scene!

More Demos
Reviews, screenshots and downloads of many recent Acorn demos!

Single Effects
They only show off one effect - but there are some stunners in here!

Demo Tools
Some useful Demo-related programs

Demo Links
Links to coding groups and other FX Demo related sites! Updated 31/7/98


Look out for these on the Reviews pages:

indicates this demo runs best with AutoVCache
indicates this demo requires SACache or similar to run on a StrongArm machine