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the ultimate RISC OS morphing application

Morphing is the very latest technique for processing images in order to create exciting effects. Many TV adverts you now see involve some sort of morphing; changing one person into another, fading cars to other cars etc. Such effects can now be created on your Archimedes with !Rephorm, the ultimate RISC OS morphing application.

!Rephorm takes two sprites of any size and allows a morph to be generated between them (alternatively a single source sprite can be distorted). You simply identify a number of key control points on the start sprite and reposition them to similar places on the end sprite. The time and rate at which the colour and movement changes take place can be controlled for individual points or groups of points by adjusting two graphs with the mouse. Rephorm calculates so quickly that the effects of repositioning control points can be seen in real time as you drag them! All calculations are performed in the background so Rephorm never stops the machine from multitasking.

Once all the points are set up, you tell !Rephorm how many intermediate frames you want to create and it does the rest. The morph can be displayed on screen, saved to disc as either an Ace Film or an Acorn Replay file, (!Projector and !ArmMovie supplied) or individual frames may be saved as sprites.

What it does

creates Ace Film files as used in !Projector (supplied), Genesis, Title etc.

simple ‘no fuss’ user interface - just place control points on start and end sprites

variable (non-linear) motion and colour change for all control points

high speed operation even on large sprites - recalculates live as you drag control points

can produce any size output

fully multi-tasking during morph generation

instantaneous ‘thumb-nail' display during morph generation

can also produce fades and wipes

distortions can be produced on a a single sprite

supports 16-bit and 24-bit images

any intermediate frame can be saved as a sprite

animations can be edited using Splice - available separately

Single copy £50 (£58.75 inc.VAT) Site licence £200 (£235 inc.VAT)


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Last updated: 4.4.96