H.S.Software "Fun & Games"

Each H.S. Software "Fun & Games" pack contains three fun filled games featuring:

* Clear sampled speech used extensively throughout all of the games.
* Colourful and detailed animations digitised direct from live video.
* Reading, spelling and a range of other National Curriculum areas.
* Skills practice for dyslexic children (e.g. memory and sequencing).

"Fun & Games" £19.95 Ages: 5-9 (Arc/RISC PC)

[Demo Tidy] Click to download a FREE demo of "Tidy"

1: "Coconuts" - Help your character pick the right fruits from the tropical trees to complete the pattern on the screen (very useful for helping children with sequencing, and devising and repeating patterns).

2: "Burger Boy" - Make up the orders in a busy burger bar from a choice of burgers, chips, drinks etc. (reading, matching, sequencing, auditory and visual memory, addition to 10 and beyond). .

3: "Tidy" - Help Emma to tidy her bedroom, with the aid of her pet parrot. This game aims to help children with a wide range of skills, including early reading, comparing objects of different shape and size, use of prepositions ("in", "on", "under", "behind" etc.), sequencing and memory skills. 'Tidy' has also been found to be particularly useful for dyslexic pupils.

"..plenty of options to set depending on the ability of your child...what is so impressive about the speech is that it works in any combination ...a godsend to teachers..." - MICRO USER

"TV Fun & Games" £22.95 Ages: 5-9 (Arc/RISC PC)

1: "Weatherman" - Create your own weathermaps with a range of animated weather symbols, just like the ones on TV. This game helps to familiarise children with common weather types, as well as points of the compass, and locations of countries within the U.K.

2: "Kevin's Quiz" - A TV style quiz program for up to 3 players. Features some very animated and life-like historical and fictional characters taking part in a live mental arithmetic contest against the clock (covers addition, subtraction and times tables up to 100).

3: "Gnomework" - A TV gardener is relaxing in his garden and getting Gerald the garden gnome and his friends to find various items and put them in store (helps children with matching, sorting, classification, counting, and use of simple bar charts).

"These are attractive games which are much enjoyed by children...TV Fun & Games is thoroughly recommended...it also represents good value for money."

"Lots More Fun & Games" £22.95 Ages:5-9 (Arc/RISC PC)

1: "Gwyn's World" - Follow Gwyn's instructions and find the 2-D and 3-D coloured shapes that hide themselves all around his house in some very sneaky places. You can also choose to work out simple percentages and fractions when you've found them (recognition, sorting and matching of colours, 2-D and 3-D shape, simple fractions and percentages).

2: "Dataday" - A time traveller helps children to learn the days of the week and months of the year in sequence. Colourful graphics and mnemonics help in this task which many children find difficult, particularly dyslexics. .

3: "Spot the Blot" - Try and spot the "blots" (objects that are reversed, inverted or missing) in two similar pictures (helps children with reversals and a range of visual perception and visual discrimination skills).

"..'Lots More Fun & Games' is particularly impressive to look at, and should provide hours of fun for young children both at school, and in the home."

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