GraphMate was released in March 1996.


GraphMate 3 is a graphing application which works in quite a different way to existing graph packages on RISC-OS. GraphMate offers an extensive range of presentation controls which no alternative can offer - albeit for a narrower range of graph types for the moment.

GraphMate is a frame-based editor, giving you complete compositional flexibility, with the convenience of templates to recall existing designs at the click of a button. Controls of text, colour etc. are consistent across the whole of the application - which means fewer and simpler menus and dialogues, greater ease of use and time savings.

GraphMate integrates closely with TableMate, to create a seamless environment for creating your graph. TableMate can be used simply to edit the data just as you would in a more traditional system, but it can also automatically generate supporting tables, which can be linked to your graph for future changes.

GraphMate gives you full control over text, shape and line styles, plus unequalled flexibility in the appearance of your keys, headings, labels and supporting text and graphics


Chart types and features
Presentation Features

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