RocketPort Universal PCIDevice Drivers

Use this table to access the appropriate device driver and driver installation document for your operating system or systems.

Operating SystemDevice DriverInstallation Document
2.6.18 through 2.6.23 kernels

v3.08 Copy

Technical support typically recommends using this driver version for kernels 2.6.18 through 2.6.23.

Rev D Open

2.6.10 through 2.6.17 kernels

v3.07 Copy

Technical support typically recommends using this driver version for kernels 2.6.10 through 2.6.17.

Rev D Open

2.6.9 kernels

v3.04 Copy

Technical support typically recommends using this driver version for kernels 2.6.9 and RHEL 4.6 through 4.8. CentOS is an exact copy of RHEL so whatever RHEL advice in the notes, also applies to CentOS.

Rev D Open

2.6.9 kernel
2.4.30 through 2.4.35
RHEL 4.0 through 4.5 kernels

v3.03 Copy

Technical support typically recommends using this driver version for kernel 2.6.9, 2.4.30 through 2.4.35, and RHEL 4.0 through 4.5.

Rev D Open

Windows 2000



Rev C Open

Windows NT
v4.56 Download

Rev D Open

Windows 98/Me
v1.71 Open

Rev B Open


Files labeled Legacy means that the product is considered an active product, however; downloaded files are AS IS (in mature status and are no longer updated). Limited Technical Support available.

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