Configuring EtherNet/IP Settings

You can configure the EtherNet/IP port settings using this web page or you can use the PortVision DX Property page Software Settings tab.

Use this procedure to configure EtherNet/IP characteristics using the ETHERNET/IP SETTINGS page.

  1. Click the EDIT button.

  2. Make appropriate selections for EtherNet/IP for the IO-Link device that you will connect to that port.

Refer to the EtherNet/IP Settings table if you require definitions or values for the options. If you want detailed information about the EtherNet/IP interface and the IO-Link Master, see the IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP Reference Manual.

  1. Scroll to the top of the page and click the SAVE button.

Make sure that the port now displays the EDIT button.

If it displays the SAVE and CANCEL buttons, that means that one of the parameters contains an incorrect value. If necessary, scroll down the page, make the needed corrections, and click SAVE.

  1. Repeat for each port that requires configuration changes.