EtherNet/IP Settings

The following table provides detailed information about the EtherNet/IP Settings Configuration page options. You can refer to Configuring EtherNet/IP Settings for configuration procedures.

If you want detailed information about the EtherNet/IP interface and the IO-Link Master, see the IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP Reference Manual.


EtherNet/IP Configuration Descriptions

ISDU Data Settings

ISDU Response Timeout (1-10000)

(Default = 20 seconds)

The time that the IO-Link MasterÆs EtherNet/IP interface will wait for a response to an ISDU request. The timeout needs to set long enough to allow all commands within the ISDU request to be processed.

Process Data Settings

PDI Data Block Size (To PLC)

(Default: 36-bytes)

The configurable PDI data block length. Optional lengths are:

  • 4-bytes (header only)

  • 8-bytes (4 bytes data)

  • 16-bytes (12 bytes data)

  • 24-bytes (20 bytes data)

  • 36-bytes (32 bytes data)

PDI Data Block Format (To PLC)

(Default: Word-16)

Data format of the PDI data block to be transferred to the PLC(s)in the Class 1 and/or Write-to-Tag/File PDI Transfer Modes. Valid PDI Data Formats are:

  • Byte-8(8-bit or SINT)

  • Word-16 (16-bit or INT)

  • Dword-32 (32-bit DINT)

  • The Data Block Format is independent of the PDI Data Byte-Swap Method.

  • This setting is not used for the SLC, PLC-5 and MicroLogix PLCs which are always Word-16.

PDI Data Byte-Swap Method

(Default: Word (16-bit) byte swap)

If enabled, the IO-Link Master swaps the data bytes in word (2 byte) format or dword (4 byte) format. Supported values are:

  • No byte-swap - data passed through as received

  • Word (16-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in word format

  • Dword (32-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in dword format

The byte swapping must be set correctly in order to convert from IO-Link (big-endian byte order), to EtherNet/IP (little-endian byte order).

PDO Data Block Size (From PLC)

(Default: 32-bytes)

This is the configurable PDO data block length.

Optional lengths are as shown but the event code is not included:

4-bytes = all data

8-bytes = all data

16-bytes = all data

24-bytes = all data

32-bytes = all data

34-bytes = 32 bytes data, 2 pad bytes

36-bytes = 32 bytes data, 4 pad bytes

The following optional lengths are shown with the event code included:

  • PDO Data Format = Byte8:

  • 4-bytes   = 2 byte event code, 2 data bytes

  • 8-bytes   = 2 byte event code, 6 data bytes

  • 16-bytes = 2 byte event code, 14 data bytes

  • 24-bytes = 2 byte event code, 22 data bytes

  • 32-bytes = 2 byte event code, 30 data bytes

  • 34-bytes = 2 byte event code, 32 data bytes

  • 36-bytes = 2 byte event code, 32 data bytes, 2 byte pad

  • PDO Data Format = word (16-bit):

  • 4-bytes = event code word, data word

  • 8-bytes = event code  word, 3 data words

  • 16-bytes = event code word, 7 data words

  • 24-bytes = event code word, 11 data words

  • 32-bytes = event code word, 15 data words

  • 34-bytes = event code word, 16 data words

  • 36-bytes = event code word, 16 data words,  pad word

  • PDO Data Format = dword (32-bit):

  • 4-bytes = event code dword

  • 8-bytes = event code dword, data dword

  • 16-bytes = event code dword, 3 data dwords

  • 24-bytes = dword event code, 5 data dwords

  • 32-bytes = dword event code, 7 data dwords

  • 34-bytes = dword event code, 7 data dwords, 2 data bytes

  • 36-bytes = dword event code, 8 data dwords

PDO Block Data Format (From PLC)

(Default: Word-16)

This is the data format of PDO data block received from PLC(s) in the Class 1 or Read-from-TagOrFile PDO Transfer Modes. This includes these formats:

  • Byte-8 - (8-bit)

  • Word-16 - (16-bit)

  • Dword-32 - (32-bit)

  • The Data Block Format is independent of the PDO Data Byte-Swap Method.

  • This setting is not used for the SLC, PLC-5 and MicroLogix PLCs which are always Word-16.

PDO Data Byte-Swap Method

(Default: Word (16-bit byte swap)

If enabled, the IO-Link Master swaps the data bytes in word (2 byte) format or dword (4 byte) format. Supported values are:

  • No byte-swap - data passed through as received

  • Word (16-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in word format

  • Dword (32-bit) byte-swap - data is byte-swapped in dword format

The byte swapping must be set correctly in order to convert from EtherNet/IP (little-endian byte order), to IO-Link (big-endian byte order).The byte swapping must be set correctly in order to convert from EtherNet/IP (little-endian byte order), to IO-Link (big-endian byte order).

Clear Event Code In PDO Block

(Default: False)

If enabled, the IO-Link Master expects the first 2 bytes, word, or dword of the PDO block to be used for event code handling. Valid values are:

  • True  = expect an event code

  • False = no event code, expect only PDO data

Clear Event Code After Hold Time

(Default: True)

If enabled, the IO-Link master will clear any event code reported in the PDI data block after the Event Active Hold Time. Valid values are:

  • True  = clear the event code after the hold time

  • False = do not clear the event code after the hold time

Active Event Hold Time (1-65535)

(Default: 1000 ms)

If Clear Event Code After Hold time is enabled, the time period an event code will be reported in the PDI block before it is cleared.

Valid units are:

  • ms (milliseconds)

  • sec (seconds)

  • min (minutes)

  • hours

  • days

Clear Event Hold Time (1-65535)

(Default: 500ms)

Once an event code has been cleared, the time an event code stays cleared in the PDI block before another event code can be reported. The valid range is 1-65535.

Valid units are:

  • ms (milliseconds)

  • sec (seconds)

  • min (minutes)

  • hours

  • days

Transfer Mode Settings

PDI Receive Mode(s) (To PLC)

(Default: Polling, Class1)

Determines which PDI Receive (To PLC) Modes are enabled. Valid selectable modes are:

  • Polling

  • Class1

  • Write-to-TagOrFile

PDO Transmit Mode (From PLC)

(Default: Class 1)

Selectable modes are:

  • Off

  • PLC-Writes

  • Class1

  • Read-from-TagOrFile

Read/Write Tag/File Settings

PLC IP Address (


The PLC IP Address is required if either Write-to-TagOrFile or Read-from-TagOrFIle mode are enabled.

PLC Controller Slot Number (0-64)

(Default: 0)

The PLC Controller Slot Number is required if either Write-to-TagOrFile or Read-from-TagOrFIle mode are enabled.

PLC Type

(Default: ControlLogix)

Indicates the type of PLC that the tag(s) or file(s) will be written to and/or read from. Valid PLC types are:

  • ControlLogix

  • SLC

  • PLC-5

  • MicroLogix

Write PDI to Tag/File Settings

PDI Tag/File Name

This is the tag or file name to place the PDI data block.

ControlLogix family:

  • Tags must be same type as PDI Data Format (SINT, INT or DINT).

  • Tags must be an array.

  • Tags must be at least as long as the PDI Data Block Length.


  • Files must be of INTEGER (16-bit) type.

  • Files must be named with standard file name conventions (i.e: N10:0, N21:30, etc)

  • The file must be at least as long as the PDI Data Block Length.

Append PDO to PDI Data

(Default: False)

If selected, the IO-Link Master appends any PDO data to the end of the PDI data.

  • False û Do not append PDO data

  • True û Append PDO data

Maximum PLC Update Rate (10-65535)

(Default: 40ms)

The maximum rate at which the IO-Link Master updates the PDI tag or file. This parameter is used to ensure that the PLC receives all state changes. Setting the update rate to 10ms effectively disables this feature.

Heartbeat Update Enable

(Default: False)

If selected, the IO-Link Master updates the PDI data block at the Heartbeat Update Rate.

  • False û Heartbeat update disabled

  • True û Heartbeat update enabled

Heartbeat Update Rate (50-65535)

(Default: 1000ms)

If Heartbeat Update Enable is selected, the rate at which the IO-Link Master updates the PDI data block in the Write-to-Tag/File mode.

Read PDO from Tag/File Settings

PDO Tag/File Name

The tag or file name that the IO-Link Master reads the PDO data block from.

ControlLogix family:

  • Tags must be same type as PDO Data Format (SINT, INT or DINT).

  • Tags must be an array.

  • Tags must be at least as long as the PDO Data Block Length.


  • Files must be of INTEGER (16-bit) type.

  • Files must be named with standard file name conventions (i.e: N10:0, N21:30, etc)

  • The file must be at least as long as the PDO Data Block Length.

PLC Poll Rate (10-65535)

(Default: 1000ms)

The frequency at which the IO-Link Master reads the PDO data block in the Read-from-Tag/File mode.