WarpUp (96/442)

Date:09 Dec 99 at 17:52:04
Subject:[warpup] Re: Warp3D Demos

On 08-d�c-99, you wrote:

> hi,
>>> Does ADescentWOSW3D work ?
> yes, very well!
>> I tried to get some shareware WADs for Descent but I never found one. How
>> can I test ADescentWOSW3D without bying the PC-Version?
> just buy it for the usual 'old PC classic price' - ie 9.99 ukp or less and
> play it, it works fine here

AdescentWOSW3D doesn't run at all on my A1200.
When launching it by its icons it cause my AMiga to reboot and then my
BlizzardPPC is disconnected (as if you press "2" at reboot).
When launching it from cli the game start to run but W-OS fail with a PPC
"Store exception" when i click on "ENTER A DESCENT" after the Briefings.
But the W3D and mesa-Gl demos works fine (3D acceleration very impressive)
and so do the "DSOAB" demo from CDBS software (PPC + W3D demo)
Anyone know what is happening?

BPPC 603e+@175Mhz/040-25 and BVision, Rom and OS: 3.1 and 3.5