WarpUp (95/442)

From:Garry Kelsall
Date:09 Dec 99 at 17:43:19
Subject:Re: [warpup] Help - can no longer use A-Web

> Am 08-Dez-99 schrieb Garry Kelsall:
> >I cannot run A-Web (OS3.5 version) with WarpOS. A-Web loads OK and
> >runs for about ten seconds and then I am given the WarpOS exceptions
> >window before a big crash.
> All these programs don't have any PPC code inside (as far as I know),
> so I wonder how they can cause a PPC exception. As long as you don't
> run any PPC soft, then it is *impossible* that any non-PPC application
> can cause such an exception.
> If you are a CSPPC owner, then try to remove the ppc.library from LIBS:
> to check, whether the problems are still there then. If you are a
> BlizzardPPC owner try disabling the ppc.library using BPPCFix and
> then try again.
> There might be PowerUp background programs running, which can cause
> troubles. Definitely make sure not to run CGFX-PPC.
> If you can't solve your problems, then please provide a bit more infos
> about system configuration, how WarpUp programs work etc.
> bye
> --
> Sam Jordan

Sam, I just tried Warpstat again after running A-Web. I was able to
close A-Web down this time without a crash. There were no fewer than
28 instances of AWeb GIF decoderPPC. Also two seperate versions of
Microdot were still showing even though I had already closed Microdot
down. Is this normal and is this why none of my programs give back
their memory after quitting?
As I speak I have just 3.6Mbytes of fastRAM remaining on my 50Mbyte
Amiga !!

/ Garry Kelsall - a motorcycle Cop with a PowerPC Amiga /
/ Member Team *Amiga* /
/ A1200Tower PPC603e+ 68040 BVision graphics card /
/ ICQ #23492093 654 RC5 Kkeys/s /